The City of Falling Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

John Berendt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City of Falling Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

John Berendt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ezra say "Her name was" in the last Canto?
(a) Beauty.
(b) Remembrance.
(c) Olga.
(d) Courage.

2. Why is Nicola's lawyer suspicious of Gardin?
(a) He tried to fake a will in which he was Stefani's sole heir.
(b) His publishing company doesn't exist.
(c) He never tells the truth.
(d) He's desperate for media attention.

3. What does Stefani say is the most nonconformist act he knows?
(a) Being gay.
(b) Being a poet.
(c) Speaking your mind.
(d) Telling the truth.

4. Which spaceship lift-off does Ralph Curtis play for the narrator?
(a) Apollo 14.
(b) Apollo 12.
(c) Apollo 15.
(d) Apollo 11.

5. In which way does Daniel, Patricia's son, claim he is different from other Curtises?
(a) He is the only Curtis born outside of Venice.
(b) He is the only Curtis educated in Venice.
(c) He is the only Venetian.
(d) He is the only Curtis that cares enough about the Palazzo Barbaro to try to save it.

6. What does da Mosto tell the narrator they will be able to recreate now that they found the architectural plans drawn up in 1836?
(a) The acoustics.
(b) The Apollonian rooms.
(c) The Dionysian rooms.
(d) The Napoleonic royal box.

7. How many electricians were in the Fenice after the rest of the reconstruction staff had gone home?
(a) Eight.
(b) Four.
(c) Seven.
(d) Six.

8. How long does Carella stay in jail?
(a) Six months.
(b) Eight months.
(c) Seven months.
(d) Five months.

9. Where does Mary de Rachwiltz live?
(a) In the South Tyrol.
(b) In Germany.
(c) On San Michele.
(d) In Venice.

10. What does Nicola say he's discovered about Stefani?
(a) That he was a better poet than most people realize.
(b) That he was never as loving as people made him out to be.
(c) That he was involved in dangerous games.
(d) That he was everyone's friend, but at the same time no one's friend.

11. What does Casson say about the investigation of Renato Carello?
(a) There's no indication of any wrongdoing.
(b) There's no evidence to convict him with.
(c) The investigation simply isn't important now that Enrico Carella and Marchetti have been convicted.
(d) Renato Carello wasn't powerful enough to have pulled off what people believe he did.

12. What did Jane Rylands say to Harald Böhm, the sculptor who had helped Jane move the papers out of Olga's house?
(a) "Be sure you don't tell Olga about today, or peggio per te."
(b) "Be sure you don't tell Philip about today, or peggio per te."
(c) "Be sure you don't tell Arrigo about today, or peggio per te."
(d) "Be sure you don't tell anybody about today, or peggio per te."

13. Who was the Fenice's custodian at the time of the fire?
(a) Vitaliano Bonicelli.
(b) Renato Carella.
(c) Giuseppe Bonannini.
(d) Gilberto Paggiaro.

14. Who did Bob Guthrie save through plastic surgery?
(a) Lesa Marcello.
(b) Bea Guthrie.
(c) Barbara Berlingieri.
(d) Larry Lovett.

15. How did Ezra Pound first meet Olga Rudge?
(a) They first met at the party of a mutual friend.
(b) They first met at one of his readings.
(c) They first met in Venice.
(d) They first met at one of her concerts.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Aldo Rossi insist on being addressed?

2. How does Migliori intend to secure the fresco?

3. How does Nicola respond when the narrator asks if he's read any of Stefani's poetry?

4. Where did the quote on Stefani's gravestone come from?

5. Who was closest to Peggy Guggenheim when Philip and Jane befriended her?

(see the answer keys)

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