The City of Ember Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeanne DuPrau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City of Ember Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeanne DuPrau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What day does "the last message" begin on?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Tuesday.

2. How does Doon find the notice on the wall?
(a) He touches it with his hands.
(b) The notice shines in the candlelight.
(c) He falls and finds it.
(d) Poppy picks it up.

3. Where does Nammy Proggs tell a guard Doon has gone?
(a) To Lina's house.
(b) To the trash heaps.
(c) To his father's shop.
(d) To Clary's greenhouse.

4. What does Lina believe is the most frightening part about the first moments of the ride down the river?
(a) Not knowing where they're going.
(b) Being slammed into rocks.
(c) Going so fast in the dark.
(d) Being wet.

5. Where does Lina hide while waiting to implement her plan?
(a) Under a porch.
(b) At the greenhouse.
(c) In the school.
(d) Near the trash can enclosure.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Poppy do when Lina and Doon go to put the boat into the river?

2. What does Lina realize she has in her pocket?

3. How does Lina spot Doon from her spot on the roof?

4. What do Doon and Lina do for most of the day after reading the book?

5. What is the first thing Lina wants to do once they figure out how to light a candle?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Doon and Lina learn the guards are planning to arrest them for spreading vicious rumors?

2. How do Doon and Lina decide what to do with the information that the mayor is stealing?

3. How do Doon and Lina find the path that leads up from the river?

4. What are some of the things that frighten Lina as they begin their trip down the river?

5. Describe Lina's arrest and her encounter with the mayor.

6. Where does Lizzie first tell Lina she got the canned items and what does she eventually reveal as the truth?

7. What are the two choices Doon believes he has if Lina doesn't show up at the entrance to the Pipeworks as planned and which does he believe is the better of the two?

8. How does Lina get away from the mayor and the guards once she's in the mayor's office?

9. How do Doon and Lina get the boat into the water and what happens as they are performing this task?

10. What, according to the writer of the book found by Poppy, happened on Friday?

(see the answer keys)

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