The City of Ember Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeanne DuPrau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City of Ember Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeanne DuPrau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Doon believe are his two possible courses of action?
(a) Fix the generator or find a way out.
(b) Do nothing or figure out how to make movable light.
(c) Ask the mayor for help or ask Lina for help.
(d) Learn to grow more food or find a key to the locked door.

2. What does Lina figure out is the work on the document that ends with "orks"?
(a) Dorks.
(b) Fireworks.
(c) Forks.
(d) Pipeworks.

3. What two colored pencils does Lina purchase?
(a) Green and orange.
(b) Yellow and purple.
(c) Red and blue.
(d) Blue and green.

4. What did the seventh mayor die of?
(a) Radiation poisoning.
(b) The book doesn't say.
(c) Coughing sickness.
(d) He fell and broke his neck.

5. Where does Sadge work?
(a) In the Pipeworks.
(b) In the greenhouse.
(c) In the Generator Room.
(d) In the Supply Depot.

6. What does Doon give Lina to wear when they go into the Pipeworks?
(a) An officials Pipeswork jacket.
(b) A vest with a safety harness to keep her from falling.
(c) A slicker and boots.
(d) A helmet with a light.

7. Where is Granny when Lina gets home from the meeting?
(a) In the closet.
(b) In bed.
(c) In the yarn shop.
(d) At Mrs. Murdo's house.

8. What color is Poppy's jacket?
(a) Blue.
(b) Brown.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Green.

9. What is Doon doing when Lina first sees him in the library?
(a) Writing.
(b) Putting a book on a shelf.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Sweeping the floor.

10. What has Poppy done with the paper from inside the beautiful box Granny found?
(a) Sat on it.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Chewed on it.
(d) Thrown it away.

11. Which of the following is NOT something the people of Ember begin throwing at the mayor?
(a) Pebbles.
(b) Hats.
(c) Garbage.
(d) Sticks.

12. Where is Poppy during the town meeting?
(a) With Lina.
(b) With Mrs. Murdo.
(c) At home with Granny.
(d) At school.

13. Who does Nammy Proggs say fixes broken things at her house?
(a) Mr. Murdo.
(b) Clary.
(c) Doon.
(d) She fixes them herself.

14. What does Captain Fleery believe the note might be?
(a) A way to fix the generator.
(b) A recipe.
(c) A love letter.
(d) A way out of Ember.

15. What color are the uniforms worn by the guards?
(a) Yellow and orange.
(b) Blue and green.
(c) Black and white.
(d) Red and brown.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lina say she believes the people of Ember can reach the city Lina dreams about?

2. Who does Captain Fleery believe will show the people of Ember "the way"?

3. What is the message Lina carries repeatedly the day after the blackout?

4. Which of the reports does Lizzie say she's never allowed to see?

5. Who has Poppy when Lina finds her?

(see the answer keys)

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