The City and the City Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City and the City Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Rodriguez, what is Bol Ye'an really?
(a) An example of dissensi.
(b) Orciny's storeroom.
(c) Where the citizens of Orciny live.
(d) A munitions factory.

2. According to Rodriguez, who recruited Geary to work for them?
(a) The unificationists.
(b) The university.
(c) Orciny.
(d) The True Citizens.

3. What exactly is Breach investigating?
(a) The dig at Bol Ye'an.
(b) Geary's murder.
(c) Borlú's breach.
(d) The Oversight Committee.

4. Borlú discovers that Geary locked up the same days as when which person attended the events?
(a) The CEO of Sear and Core.
(b) The head of WIE's labor division.
(c) The chairman of the A&C.
(d) The chief engineer of The University of Ul Qoma.

5. What crime did Borlú commit in killing the sniper?
(a) Conspiracy.
(b) Breach.
(c) Murder.
(d) Trespassing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ashil take Borlú to Bol Ye'an?

2. What does Buidze say about Tsueh's relationship with the victim?

3. How does Borlú find Rodriguez?

4. How does David Bowden feel about Rodriguez's disappearance?

5. When Bowden approaches Borlú at Copula Hall, what does he have in his hand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Borlú learn while inside David Bowden's apartment?

2. Who is Mikhel Buric and what role did he play in the crime?

3. What information does Rodriguez give Borlú regarding Geary?

4. Who is Yallya? What part does she play in the investigation?

5. What information does Borlú get from Dahar Jaris?

6. What does Ashil believe about the origin of the accident? What does Borlú believe about it?

7. What information does Borlú learn from Buidze?

8. What are dissensi?

9. Who is Ashil? What is he attempting to do?

10. What video footage is Borlú shown?

(see the answer keys)

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