The Chrysalids Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Chrysalids Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does David’s mother call her sister’s baby?
(a) A monster.
(b) A gift from heaven.
(c) A little mouse.
(d) An angel.

2. What makes Jerome Skinner suspicious?
(a) He does not believe David and Petra are siblings.
(b) He does not believe Petra was attacked by a beast.
(c) He does not believe Sally and Katherine could have heard Petra screaming.
(d) He does not believe the group is free of deviations.

3. What attacks Petra’s pony when she is alone?
(a) A Fringes child.
(b) A wild cat.
(c) A great bird.
(d) A bear.

4. What is the name of David’s younger sister?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Mary.
(c) Petra.
(d) Emily.

5. Anne leaves behind a letter addressed to whom?
(a) The group of telepathics.
(b) The inspector.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her parents.

6. According to the woman from Sealand, who should be pitied?
(a) All afflicted with a deviation.
(b) Those who cannot escape the Badlands.
(c) The people of Waknuk.
(d) Those who cannot make thought-shapes.

7. What is the subject of the letter Anne leaves behind when she dies?
(a) Anne denounces the telepathics, including herself.
(b) Anne outlines her plan to run away.
(c) Anne describes being attacked by Fringes people.
(d) Anne admits to murdering her husband.

8. The woman from Sealand emphasizes the importance of whom?
(a) Rosalind.
(b) David.
(c) Petra.
(d) Michael.

9. David, Petra, and Rosalind flee in which direction?
(a) Southwest.
(b) Northwest.
(c) Southeast.
(d) Northeast.

10. After several days of travel, what signals to David that he has entered Wild Country?
(a) He sees what looked like a dinosaur.
(b) He sees grass that grew to a monstrous height.
(c) He sees a strange creature that defied classification.
(d) He sees miniature trees no taller than his ankle.

11. According to David, Petra is communicating with someone from which land while they are on the run?
(a) Kentak.
(b) Sealand.
(c) The Badlands.
(d) Newf.

12. After telling David some worrisome news, what startling revelation does Axel tell David about Anne?
(a) Axel is hopeful Anne was still alive.
(b) Axel is the one responsible for murdering Anne’s husband.
(c) Axel is in love with Anne himself.
(d) Axel is the one responsible for telling Anne’s husband she is telepathic.

13. Axel warns David that the bad season will make people look for what?
(a) A scapegoat.
(b) Rogue sailors.
(c) A mutant.
(d) Fringes people.

14. Once she resolves to marry, how does Anne behave?
(a) She plans to run away to the Fringes.
(b) She decides she would train her husband to be telepathic too.
(c) She prays for her ability to disappear.
(d) She refuses to respond to the telepathics any longer.

15. When the horseman spots David, Rosalind, and Petra, what does Rosalind shoot?
(a) The horseman’s horse.
(b) The horseman’s dog.
(c) David.
(d) Petra.

Short Answer Questions

1. David learns Petra can communicate with whom?

2. Following Petra's second emergency situation, Axel tells David what worrisome news?

3. How long is Anne married before the marriage ends?

4. Who telepathically emits an emergency beacon at the beginning of Chapter 9?

5. Michael informs the runaways that they have been officially proclaimed what?

(see the answer keys)

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