The Chosen Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Chosen Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the news of unconditional surrender comes from the Germans, it is determined that the death toll of the Jews murdered in the concentration camps was over how many?
(a) 2 million.
(b) 6 million.
(c) 25 million.
(d) 11 million.

2. Danny is frustrated by reading and translating his psychological texts until he finds what in Chapter 10?
(a) A newspaper article.
(b) A medical journal.
(c) A dictionary of psychological terms.
(d) An essay by a former student.

3. What does Reuven ask Danny when he visits him after starting his studies in the end of Chapter 18?
(a) If he will be married soon.
(b) If he has had a daughter.
(c) If he is pursuing his law degree.
(d) If he will raise his son in silence.

4. What is the financial center of the State of Israel?
(a) Kafr Qasim.
(b) Tel Aviv.
(c) Rehovot.
(d) Jerusalem.

5. Where is Reuven’s father when he collapses and is taken to the hospital in Chapter 14?
(a) The Jewish National Fund Meeting.
(b) The Jewish National Fund Meeting.
(c) Central Park.
(d) The American Museum of Natural History.

Short Answer Questions

1. In regarding Danny’s relationship with his father, Reuven says in Chapter 12, "I almost had the impression that they were physically incapable of communicating with each other about” what?

2. Reuven's father says in Chapter 13, "...the fanaticism of men like Reb Saunders kept us alive for” how many years of exile?

3. What is the standard Hebrew Biblical term for non-Jews?

4. Food that may be consumed according to Jewish law is termed what in English?

5. Reuven’s father feels that it is important to have what geographic region as a Jewish homeland?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the synagogue respond when Reb Saunders announces Danny’s plans for his education in Chapter 18?

2. What does Reb Saunders conclude about compassion in Chapter 18?

3. What does Danny discuss in depth with Professor Appleman in Chapter 13?

4. What does Reuven observe about Reb Saunders’ behavior in Chapter 12?

5. What is the central conflict in Chapter 14? How does Reuven feel about Danny’s absence?

6. What gesture does Danny make to intimate his sympathy for Reuven in Chapter 14?

7. How do Danny and Reuven’s fathers disagree regarding the establishment of a Jewish state?

8. How does the death of a Hirsch College graduate affect Reuven and his fellow classmates in Chapter 15?

9. How is Reuven’s time spent with his father in Chapter 10? Why does Mr. Malter travel to Manhattan?

10. How does the new school year begin for Reuven and Danny in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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