The Chocolate War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Chocolate War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 31, when does Jerry remember that Harvey Cranch used to wait for him outside at St. John's?
(a) 4th grade.
(b) 1st grade.
(c) 3rd grade.
(d) 2nd grade.

2. In Chapter 29, how many guys does Brian tell Carter have reached the 50 quota that day?
(a) 8.
(b) 5.
(c) 7.
(d) 6.

3. In Chapter 29, among how many students does Carter have boxes of chocolates distributed?
(a) 6 or 7.
(b) 10.
(c) 9.
(d) 7 or 8.

4. In Chapter 25, how long after a summons is posted does Jerry meet with The Vigils in the storage room?
(a) 30 minutes.
(b) 45 minutes.
(c) 15 minutes.
(d) 20 minutes.

5. What comparison is used to describe the way that Jerry's progress is like through the halls of the school in Chapter 34?
(a) Parting of the Red Sea.
(b) Like pins scattered with a bowling ball.
(c) Like dogs fighting for food.
(d) Like cars dodging bicyclists.

6. How many kids attack Jerry in Chapter 31?
(a) 8.
(b) 12.
(c) 10.
(d) 14.

7. At the end of Chapter 26, what does Jerry have for a snack?
(a) Sandwich.
(b) Popcorn.
(c) Ice cream.
(d) Candy bar.

8. At the end of Chapter 29, how many boxes of chocolate remain to be sold?
(a) 4,990.
(b) 4.889.
(c) 4,994.
(d) 4,745.

9. In Chapter 36, what does Archie have to do before the fight?
(a) Apologize.
(b) Dance.
(c) Draw 2 marbles from the Black Box.
(d) Give a speech.

10. In Chapter 21, where does Obie want to meet Archie?
(a) Room 19.
(b) Gym.
(c) Cafeteria.
(d) Science lab.

11. In Chapter 27, what does Archie want to do to get the chocolates sold?
(a) Threats.
(b) Make it cool to sell.
(c) Coercion.
(d) Intimidate everyone.

12. In Chapter 29, how many boxes does Carter say have sold when he gives Brian a fistful of money?
(a) 75.
(b) 100.
(c) 125.
(d) 50.

13. In Chapter 28, what times does the phone ring in Jerry's apartment and he hears only a chuckle?
(a) 3 p.m. and 3 a.m.
(b) Midnight and 2 a.m.
(c) 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.
(d) 4 p.m. and midnight.

14. In Chapter 28 after taking down Carter, where does Jerry get hit?
(a) Kidneys.
(b) Back.
(c) Knees.
(d) Stomach.

15. Near the end of Chapter 30, what number of boxes of chocolates sold does Brian write down near Goober's name?
(a) 50.
(b) 47.
(c) 49.
(d) 45.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 28, what assignment of Jerry's is missing?

2. At the end of Chapter 25, what does Obie think will screw Archie up?

3. Who chased the students away in Chapter 38?

4. In Chapter 22, how many boxes of chocolates has Sulkey sold?

5. How many days does The Goober remember being sick in Chapter 37?

(see the answer keys)

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