The Children of Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Children of Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Theo rely on to untie the couple?
(a) Their daughter.
(b) Their maid.
(c) He left a note to their neighbor.
(d) He will phone the police in the morning himself.

2. What does Theo notice after talking to Julian for a few minutes in Chapter 19?
(a) Her hand is deformed.
(b) She looks older and tired.
(c) She looks more beautiful then he remembered.
(d) She has gained weight.

3. What helps Theo find Julian and Miriam as he drives the stolen car to reunite with them?
(a) Luke's blood.
(b) A strangely formed tree he remembered noticing.
(c) Tire marks.
(d) Miriam tied a red ribbon around a tree.

4. Who says this quote in Chapter 29: "He has thought; now he's gone."?
(a) Miriam.
(b) Julian.
(c) Theo.
(d) The narrator.

5. What job is Theo given as Miriam still prepares for the baby's delivery?
(a) Read from Luke's prayer book.
(b) Build a fire.
(c) Fill buckets of water from the lake.
(d) Hunt for food.

6. What does Theo recall Xan announcing years prior at the place where the rest of the Five Fishes are hiding in Chapter 21?
(a) He had murdered someone.
(b) He was to join the army.
(c) He was in love.
(d) He hated his father.

7. What is Theo's concern in Chapter 25?
(a) They are likely to be seen if separated.
(b) Julian will have the baby early.
(c) The car will get stolen.
(d) They will run out of food.

8. What are Julian and Luke doing alone in the morning in Chapter 25?
(a) Preparing a meal.
(b) Painting.
(c) Praying.
(d) Singing.

9. What is the task Luke is given in Chapter 26?
(a) Tending the stored supplies.
(b) Provide entertainment.
(c) Washing the car.
(d) Mapping the voyage.

10. What does Theo regret not bringing from the car but realizes is unimportant?
(a) A camera.
(b) Cutlery.
(c) Keys.
(d) The gun.

11. What does Theo do first after arriving home from Europe?
(a) He phoned Helena.
(b) Reread his diary entries from his travels.
(c) He checked for messages from Julian.
(d) Cleaned a smashed window.

12. What does Theo confess to the old couple as he ties them up?
(a) The gun is not loaded.
(b) Julian is pregnant.
(c) He was being chased by the SSP.
(d) This was his first time robbing a home.

13. What novel does Theo find when he is emptying his car?
(a) Wuthering Heights.
(b) East of Eden.
(c) Les Miserables.
(d) Emma.

14. What is the mood of the characters in Chapter 26?
(a) Relaxed.
(b) Fearful.
(c) Melancholy.
(d) Argumentative.

15. What frightens Theo and the women as they walk to find the woodshed?
(a) A helicopter.
(b) Fresh footprints.
(c) A person standing at the lake.
(d) A bear.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Miriam lodges concern over the speed of the car in Chapter 24, how is Julian behaving?

2. What is wrong with Luke's body initially upon placing it on the ground?

3. What does Rolf learn as Julian mourns Luke's death?

4. How does Theo approach Julian when he sees her for the first time since the SSP came to his home?

5. What does Theo expect Miriam to ask him as he leaves her for the village?

(see the answer keys)

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