The Children of Henry VIII Test | Final Test - Medium

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Children of Henry VIII Test | Final Test - Medium

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Philip want to do by the time Christmas arrived in 1554?
(a) Offer heretics repreive for the holiday.
(b) Leave as soon as his child was born.
(c) Have his retinue spy on Elizabeth.
(d) Take Mary back to Spain with him.

2. Under what condition did Mary grant Elizabeth succession?
(a) Under the condition she upheld the Catholic faith.
(b) Under the condition she marry Philip.
(c) Under the condition she provide a male heir.
(d) Under the condition she leave England.

3. What did Philip pressure Mary to do when she became ill after her second phantom pregnancy?
(a) Condemn heretics.
(b) Write her last will.
(c) Abdicate the throne.
(d) Meet him in Spain.

4. What did Queen Mary want Jane Grey to do for her to give her a reprieve?
(a) Marry Edward Courtenay.
(b) Convert to Catholicism.
(c) Renounce Guilford Dudley.
(d) Leave England.

5. What false announcement regarding the birth of Mary's child was given in April of 1555?
(a) That she had given birth to a prince.
(b) That she had given birth to a princess.
(c) That she had given birth to fraternal twins.
(d) That she had given birth to identical twins.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Stephen Gardiner respond to heretics in his diocese?

2. How old was Mary when she had her first physical relationship with a man?

3. According to Weir, why did the new head of the Church of Rome, Paul IV, put a strain on the relationship between England and Rome?

4. How did Elizabeth feel about her guardian when she was placed under house arrest?

5. What was Philip's state of mind when it became clear Mary would not give birth?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Elizabeth respond to being recalled to Whitehall by her sister, and why is it significant?

2. Why did Charles V put forth Philip of Spain as a candidate for marriage to Queen Mary?

3. What was Philip's state of mind at Hampton Court regarding Mary not giving birth, and why did he leave?

4. How did the English people respond to Mary's marriage to Philip?

5. How did Mary want to deal with Elizabeth regarding Wyatt's rebellion, and why is it significant?

6. What rumors circulated about Mary's pregnancy, and what claim does Weir make about her condition?

7. What was the atmosphere at Hampton court when Mary and Philip arrived to await the birth of their first child?

8. What choice did Mary make after Philip was excommunicated?

9. What was Mary's state of mind at the end of her life?

10. Why did Parliament repeal the Act of Supremacy, passed under Henry VIII, and who returned to England following its repeal?

(see the answer keys)

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