The Children of Henry VIII Test | Final Test - Easy

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Children of Henry VIII Test | Final Test - Easy

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Jane Grey behave at her execution in contrast to her husband Guilford Dudley?
(a) She did not pray in contrast to her husband who did.
(b) She was emotional in contrast to her husband who was brave.
(c) She prayed in contrast to her husband who refused to.
(d) She was brave in contrast to her husband who lost his nerve.

2. According to Weir, Charles V did not want Philip of Spain in England while what?
(a) Thomas Wyatt lived.
(b) Elizabeth lived.
(c) Edward Courtenay lived.
(d) Jane Grey lived.

3. After the rebellion was stopped in London, how did the queen's councilors view its creation?
(a) As an example of the need for Protestant reform.
(b) As an example of Catholicism not being inclusive enough.
(c) As an example of widespread corruption among noble ranks.
(d) As an example of the queen being too kind to her subjects.

4. Why were the Protestant rebels stopped in London?
(a) Because they did not have public support.
(b) Because they converted to Catholicism.
(c) Because Spain's army arrived.
(d) Because the Queen sent reinforcements.

5. What was the expectation regarding Mary's relationship with Philip that she did not meet?
(a) That she would like him.
(b) That she would provide for him.
(c) That she would control him.
(d) That she would defer to him.

6. Who was appointed Lord Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal and was Queen Mary's trusted adviser?
(a) Guilford Dudley.
(b) William Cecil.
(c) Edward Courtenay.
(d) Stephen Gardiner.

7. When Thomas Wyatt confessed to the council about contacting Elizabeth twice, what did he tell her?
(a) He advised her to stay in London and alerted her to his presence.
(b) He advised her to leave London and alerted her to her sister's presence.
(c) He advised her to leave London and alerted her to his presence.
(d) He advised her to stay in London and alerted her to her sister's presence.

8. When Cardinal Pole was summoned back to England, what announcement did he make?
(a) That the kingdom was not welcomed back to Rome.
(b) That the kingdom was welcomed back to Brussels.
(c) That the kingdom was not welcomed back to Brussels.
(d) That the kingdom was welcomed back to Rome.

9. After Philip left to help Charles V in his wars, what did Elizabeth do in order NOT to incite Mary's anger?
(a) Attend mass.
(b) Study music.
(c) Learn Spanish.
(d) Leave court.

10. What were Philip II's motives for returning to England?
(a) Love.
(b) Politics.
(c) Safety.
(d) Family.

11. What did Queen Mary want Jane Grey to do for her to give her a reprieve?
(a) Marry Edward Courtenay.
(b) Convert to Catholicism.
(c) Leave England.
(d) Renounce Guilford Dudley.

12. What did Philip want to do by the time Christmas arrived in 1554?
(a) Leave as soon as his child was born.
(b) Have his retinue spy on Elizabeth.
(c) Offer heretics repreive for the holiday.
(d) Take Mary back to Spain with him.

13. How did Mary feel about her sister Elizabeth who stayed at court after Philip's departure?
(a) She loved her.
(b) She despised her.
(c) She feared her.
(d) She respected her.

14. What was the tradition for queens and kings as they awaited the birth of their child?
(a) The queen was confined with her ladies six weeks before birth and the only man to see her is her husband.
(b) The queen was confined with her ladies six weeks before birth and no one is to see her.
(c) The queen and king ware confined six weeks before birth and the only one to see them are their attendants.
(d) The queen was confined without her ladies six weeks beofre birth and no one is to see her.

15. How did Elizabeth feel about her guardian when she was placed under house arrest?
(a) She loved him.
(b) She appreciated him.
(c) She feared him.
(d) She resented him.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Weir, what did Mary most likely suffer from that accounted for her not giving birth?

2. When Philip II was excommunicated by Rome, what was Mary forced to do?

3. When Philip arrived in Brussels to help Charles V in his wars, what did his father begin to do?

4. Whom did the public want Queen Mary to wed?

5. What did the act Parliament ratified to eradicate heresy from England give bishops the power to do?

(see the answer keys)

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