The Child in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Child in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stephen have a vague memory of riding with his father?
(a) Teleskis.
(b) Ambulances.
(c) Boats.
(d) Bicycles.

2. Who stayed in bed when Stephen took Kate to the market?
(a) Julie.
(b) Dawn.
(c) Melissa.
(d) Claire.

3. In Stephen's first story, what does a young man spend with two female cousins?
(a) A winter.
(b) An idyllic summer.
(c) A chest of gold.
(d) A lot of money.

4. What does Stephen wonder if he did too soon with Julie?
(a) Fight.
(b) Talk.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Sleep with her.

5. Who does Julie ignore after Kate's disappearance?
(a) Mark.
(b) Stephen.
(c) Kristen.
(d) Claire.

6. How does Stephen travel to see Julie?
(a) By rail.
(b) By bus.
(c) By car.
(d) By boat.

7. What does Stephen wait for Julie to do?
(a) To forgive him.
(b) To contact him.
(c) To answer his questions.
(d) To fight with him.

8. How does Stephen wander around looking for Kate at the market?
(a) In a bus.
(b) On foot.
(c) On bicycle.
(d) In a car.

9. After Kate disappears, how does Stephen's life change?
(a) There is a lack of emotion.
(b) There is a lack of purpose.
(c) There is a lack of money.
(d) There is a lack of structure.

10. Who do(es) the person/people that Stephen sees in the window at the pub remind him of?
(a) His mother.
(b) His parents.
(c) His friend.
(d) His brother.

11. What group was Stephen's first book about?
(a) Drug addicts.
(b) Children.
(c) Hippies.
(d) Boys.

12. Who helps Stephen get out of his house after Kate disappears?
(a) Thelma.
(b) Charles.
(c) Chiltern.
(d) Julie.

13. What does Stephen give the person in a yellow frock at the train station?
(a) A book.
(b) A letter.
(c) A donation.
(d) Some drugs.

14. What does the person in a yellow frock at the train station call Stephen?
(a) A smart guy.
(b) A rich creep.
(c) An old fool.
(d) A generous man.

15. Who invites Stephen to her house on Eaton Square after the resignation?
(a) Thelma.
(b) Charles.
(c) Turner.
(d) Malbert.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Stephen meet with at Gott who convinces him to change the genre of his book?

2. Who does Stephen fail to look for when he is frantically looking for Kate?

3. After the incident with Kate's possessions, what does Julie do?

4. Whose meeting does Stephen attend on Reading and Writing?

5. Whose life is Stephen's first story loosely based on, at the age of eleven?

(see the answer keys)

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