The Charm School Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Charm School Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is unique about the Landis family?
(a) They have been offered double agent positions.
(b) They have a son that was born at Charm School.
(c) They like living at the school.
(d) They are a very close family.

2. How many Charm School grads have already infiltrated the US?
(a) Around 3000.
(b) Under 5000.
(c) Over 2000.
(d) Just at 1000.

3. Where does Banks want Lisa and Sam to stay until it is time for them to leave?
(a) The US Embassy.
(b) Within a 5 mile distance from the city.
(c) In one of his apartments.
(d) His apartment in Moscow.

4. At the church, who does Sam recognize?
(a) Surikov and his grand daughter.
(b) Ed and Bill are also there worshiping.
(c) Salerno following them.
(d) Seth has been following them.

5. Before they can begin their training as instructors, what will Sam and Lisa be forced to take?
(a) Polygraph Test.
(b) Sodium pentothal (truth serum) and a polygraph test.
(c) Sodium pentothal.
(d) None of the above.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the buildings on the Charm School grounds fashioned after?

2. What does Sam learn about his new friend, Tim Landis?

3. Over the course of a year, what do the Russians learn?

4. Why don't the prisoners at the Charm School have much hope?

5. Who will Surikov give the microfilm to?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who tries to pump Sam for information concerning Fisher and what information does he offer Sam in return?

2. What continues to build in Part III?

3. How do the Charm School children differ from the American Embassy children? How are they the same?

4. After Lisa and Sam are captured, what are they forced to do?

5. What Americans do Lisa and Sam meet?

6. Why do Sam and Lisa panic when the plane is delayed?

7. What is sodium pentothal used for?

8. Why do Lisa and Sam become uncomfortable with the Kellums?

9. Why does Lisa decide to accept the "teaching" position at the Charm School?

10. Why can't Sam have the truth serum?

(see the answer keys)

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