The Charm School Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Charm School Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Sam and Lisa have to take a detour after collecting Fisher's body?
(a) They again feel as though they are being followed.
(b) They begin asking people about Fisher.
(c) They begin asking people about
(d) They want to find the school again.

2. At work, what does Lisa tell Kay she is working on?
(a) An event for Van Halen to come to Russia.
(b) A press release for Madonna.
(c) An event for the Russian ambassador.
(d) A press release for Van Halen.

3. Why is the event well attended?
(a) Because of the increase of tourisim in Russia.
(b) People want to meet the ambassador.
(c) Americans wish to be connected to their embassy.
(d) Woman want to meet men and marry them.

4. What do Sam and Lisa discuss at their debriefing with Charles Bank?
(a) Banks threatens Lisa and Sam to lay low for a while.
(b) They tell Banks about the fake death of Fisher and that it is most probably true.
(c) Sam tells Banks the details of their trip to Mozhaisk.
(d) They talk about how Fisher never really came to Russia.

5. Who debriefs Sam and Lisa before they are allowed to get Fisher's body?
(a) Colonel Bruiskic.
(b) Colonel Burov.
(c) Colonel Burriv.
(d) Colonel Banks.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sam get the two guards off of their trail?

2. What does Fisher borrow from a Frenchwoman who has been fighting with her husband?

3. Why does Lisa decline her ex-boyfriend's invitation?

4. Where do Sam and Lisa sleep during their stay?

5. What does Sam demand from banks concerning his career?

Short Essay Questions

1. What type of novel is The Charm School by Nelson DeMille?

2. What do Sam and Lisa notice about the people in the village?

3. What happens when Fisher encounters Russian police on his visit?

4. Why does Sam make the trek to Moscow to see Valentine Surikov?

5. Why is Sam beginning to get suspicious concerning Lisa?

6. By driving deeper into the forest of Borodino, what do the two discover?

7. After not finding Fisher at the hotel, what happens to Sam and Bill?

8. When the two finally arrive at the Morgue, who are they debriefed by and why is this person angry?

9. Why does Banks tell Sam and Lisa they must leave Russia in five days?

10. What disturbs Lisa about her boss, Kaye.

(see the answer keys)

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