Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who notices increased acne but doesn't do anything about it?
2. The day after Mother's death, who thinks they should tell someone?
3. Who does not approve of Julie's extracurricular activities?
4. Who puts lotion on the sunbather?
5. Who is stripped and examined by kids as part of a game?
Short Essay Questions
1. What do Jack's parents argue about in Chapter 1? What does his mother demand and what is his father's reaction?
2. When and why does the sexual game the three siblings play stop?
3. What does Julie tell Jack she imagines will happen between Father and Tom as Father's health declines?
4. How does Jack's acne problem affect him socially?
5. What, specifically, do Jack and Julie do to provide Mother with an eternal resting place?
6. Why does the whole family attack Father verbally over a decision he made regarding Julie's extracurricular activities?
7. How does Jack release tension in the garden at the beginning of Chapter 4? Why does he stop?
8. When the children are in the garden discussing what to now that Mother has died, what specifically do they discuss?
9. What do Jack and his sisters do for fun on the night their parents argue in Chapter 1?
10. What do Julie and Jack do with sand and how long does it take?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is the difference between conflict and crisis in a novel? How are they similar? Also relate the differences and similarities specifically to The Cement Garden.
Essay Topic 2
What is the primary theme of The Cement Garden? How does the author present this theme? How does the theme develop throughout the novel?
Essay Topic 3
What is the difference between tone and mood in literature? How are they similar? How are both communicated to a reader?
This section contains 670 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |