The Cement Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cement Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After his mother's death, what does Jack do each morning and afternoon?
(a) Steals from the shops.
(b) Plays strip poker.
(c) Prays.
(d) Masturbate.

2. What does the woman Jack runs into in the shops think of him?
(a) That he is homeless.
(b) That he is lost.
(c) That he is a girl.
(d) That he is adorable.

3. In Chapter 10, Julie and Jack are talking in Tom's room. Jack wants to run. What does Julie notice?
(a) Jack's erection.
(b) Jack's odor.
(c) Jack's acne.
(d) Jack's bruise.

4. Who bought the item that Tom is wearing as Sue and Julie laugh?
(a) Julie.
(b) One of Julie's boyfriends.
(c) Mother before her death.
(d) Father.

5. Who punches Jack for being naked?
(a) Sue.
(b) Julie.
(c) Derek.
(d) Tom.

6. Who sees Jack slam an object when he takes an angry walk through the garden?
(a) Julie.
(b) Derek.
(c) Tom.
(d) Sue.

7. In Chapter 7, where do Julie and Derek go after dinner?
(a) To a club.
(b) To her bedroom.
(c) To a movie.
(d) Outside.

8. For what occasion did Mother and Father leave the siblings alone two years previously?
(a) To go to a movie.
(b) To attend a funeral.
(c) For an anniversary dinner date.
(d) To go Christmas shopping.

9. What does Jack wonder about in Chapter 7, after he realizes what he's forgotten?
(a) If hiding Mother was a good idea and if they should split up.
(b) Why he reads when his life is such a mess anyway.
(c) If his family is normal.
(d) Why he would even come into the cellar to begin with.

10. What makes Jack smile after being punched?
(a) Cake.
(b) Tom's jealousy.
(c) Sue's affection.
(d) Julie's tanned breasts.

11. Why don't Tom's friends tease him about what he is wearing while the other siblings prepare dinner?
(a) He will hit them if they do.
(b) He is pretending to be Julie.
(c) They are afraid Jack will hit them if they do.
(d) They all want to dress up too.

12. What does Jack read in Chapter 7?
(a) His sci-fi novel...again.
(b) His sci-fi novel for the first time.
(c) Sue's diary.
(d) Julie's health book.

13. Who says Jack should be locked up?
(a) Sue.
(b) Jack himself.
(c) Tom.
(d) Julie.

14. What does Derek initially think is the cause of the smell in Jack's house?
(a) The drain.
(b) A dead dog.
(c) A rotting corpse.
(d) The garbage.

15. What do the children eat for a week after their mother dies?
(a) Hamburgers.
(b) Chinese take-out.
(c) Sandwiches.
(d) Pizza take-out.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the fresh food Julie buys for the family?

2. What does Julie say is dead in the basement?

3. What awakens Jack after his disappointing visit to the shops?

4. Who is Julie holding when Jack returns from the pool hall?

5. What disease does Jack fear he has?

(see the answer keys)

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