The Cellist of Sarajevo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Steven Galloway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cellist of Sarajevo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Steven Galloway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is NOT a feature of the cellist's appearance when Arrow sees him perform for the first time?
(a) Black hair.
(b) A mustache.
(c) Glasses.
(d) Sad eyes.

2. When Kenan imagines having lunch with in Veliki Park, he visualizes sharing it with which friend?
(a) Jovan.
(b) Amil.
(c) Dragan.
(d) Govan.

3. How often must Kenan walk to the brewery to fetch water for his family?
(a) Every 2 days.
(b) Every 7 days.
(c) Every 14 days.
(d) Every 4 days.

4. Emina tells Dragan a story about walking down an unfamiliar street and being gifted with what type of fruit?
(a) Apples.
(b) Cantaloupe.
(c) Cherries.
(d) Pears.

5. On what day of the cellist's series does Arrow see him perform for the first time in the street?
(a) 8th.
(b) 11th.
(c) 21st.
(d) 27th.

Short Answer Questions

1. The sound of what type of weapon interrupts Kenan's reverie about Veliki Park?

2. After Kenan decides to take the safer of the two routes available to him, he realizes that he has just added how many kilometers to his trip?

3. Each of the canisters Kenan plans to bring from his own home holds how many liters of water?

4. For what purpose is Dragan walking toward his workplace in Chapter One?

5. What term does the narrator use to identify Arrow's position?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of the 1984 Olympics according to Dragan?

2. Discuss the meaning of the Leon Trotsky quote Galloway includes as an epigraph.

3. Discuss an instance when Galloway uses the sound motif in Chapter Two.

4. Describe Arrow’s path to becoming a sniper working to defend Sarajevo against the siege.

5. What does Dragan do for a living and what is his family situation?

6. Who is Mrs. Ristovski?

7. What did the cellist used to do for a living before the Siege of Sarajevo began and what purpose did he see in his work?

8. On what factor does Dragan base his decision to cross the street the first time he leaves Emina's side after they run into one another?

9. Who is Emina and why would Dragan rather avoid her?

10. Toward what location is Dragan traveling in his introductory session in Chapter One and for what purpose?

(see the answer keys)

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