The Cellist of Sarajevo Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Steven Galloway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cellist of Sarajevo Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Steven Galloway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Three.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many people are in line to procure water when Kenan arrives at the brewery with his eight containers?
(a) 50.
(b) 300.
(c) 200.
(d) 100.

2. Arrow thinks about the death of her neighbor Slavko, who died as a result of what type of event?
(a) A round of shelling.
(b) Sniper fire.
(c) A bomb.
(d) A drowning.

3. In what decade of life were Raza and Kenan when they moved into their current apartment?
(a) Early twenties.
(b) Late thirties.
(c) Late teens.
(d) Early thirties.

4. When Arrow awakens to the sound of boots on the stairs outside her apartment, she is taken to "what's left of" which "building" (194)?
(a) The capitol building.
(b) City Hall.
(c) Parliament.
(d) The National Museum.

5. Dragan has learned to wash his entire body with what amount of water?
(a) A liter.
(b) Half a liter.
(c) A gallon.
(d) A pint.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what type of currency is Ismet paid for his work as a soldier in the army defending Sarajevo from the men on the hills?

2. What term does Kenan apply to Mrs. Ristovski when he thinks about her in Chapter Three?

3. In the aftermath of being shot, Emina regrets being unable to see the cellist play that afternoon at what time?

4. What color is the brewery building?

5. What is the man holding in his hand when he asks Kenan if he has seen his terrier?

(see the answer key)

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