The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure Test | Final Test - Easy

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure Test | Final Test - Easy

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the priest's name?
(a) Father Sebastian
(b) Father Ignacius
(c) Father Sanchez
(d) Father Carl

2. How is the narrator traveling?
(a) by hitchhiking
(b) on foot
(c) by donkey
(d) in a borrowed truck

3. To what point in his life does the priest take the narrator to teach him about his control drama?
(a) the meeting with Charlene
(b) his university days
(c) his childhood
(d) his arrival in Peru

4. What has the narrator's aloofness kept him from doing?
(a) saying too much to an enemy
(b) speaking with Rolando
(c) making a new friend
(d) learning what Rolando knows

5. What happens when the police search the narrator's vehicle?
(a) They order him to turn around and go back.
(b) They let him pass because he is American.
(c) They find his copy of the Manuscript.
(d) They recognize Father Carl's truck and let him pass.

6. What does Father Sanchez advise the narrator about his visionary thoughts?
(a) that they are fears he needs to overcome
(b) that they are dreams brought about by isolation
(c) that they are not random and he should follow up on them
(d) that they are only hallucinations

7. After meeting Father Carl at Machu Picchu, why does the narrator remain there when the priest goes home?
(a) to experience the energies of the place
(b) to give the priests time to catch up
(c) to wait for Wil
(d) to visit with Julia and Rolando

8. What do the Narrator and Marjorie see the military doing below?
(a) cruising the streets
(b) drinking coffee
(c) loading their weapons
(d) going from house to house

9. When the narrator takes another route off the mountain, who does he run into?
(a) a farmer
(b) a monkey
(c) a Frenchman
(d) a priest

10. What does the Seventh Insight deal with?
(a) making amends
(b) gaining wealth
(c) changing careers
(d) using intuition

11. How does Father Sanchez categorize the narrator's behavior?
(a) as coming from fear
(b) as a spoiled child
(c) as a control drama
(d) as closed minded

12. What happens to Marjorie while she waits beside the road?
(a) She is shot.
(b) She faints.
(c) She is arrested.
(d) She is hit by a truck.

13. What does the narrator realize about Jensen's men as he heads over to speak to Marjorie?
(a) The are wearing masks.
(b) They are all U. S. Marines.
(c) They have automatic weapons.
(d) They are frightened.

14. What does Father Sanchez begin to explain to the narrator?
(a) how to escape to Paraguay
(b) where to find Wil
(c) the Seventh Insight
(d) what happened with Cardinal Sebastian

15. Where does the narrator find Marjorie?
(a) in the exercise yard
(b) in the backseat of a Jeep
(c) waiting in Father costous' office
(d) at breakfast the next day

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Father Sanchez do when the narrator says he did not really speak to Rolando?

2. Why does Father Sanchez stay at Father Carl's house and send the narrator on to Machu Picchu?

3. What does Julia see in the relationship between the narrator and Marjorie?

4. What suddenly happens as the narrator walks toward Marjorie?

5. What does the narrator observe in the garden?

(see the answer keys)

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