The Celebrants Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Rowley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Celebrants Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Rowley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which website did Jordy and Jordan used to look at in "You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven That I've Seen"?
(a) Funny Animals.
(b) Can i Haz Cheezburger.
(c) Youtube.
(d) Bad Taxidermy.

2. How did Jordan find out about this race in "You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven That I've Seen"?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) The internet.
(c) Jordy was secretly recruited.
(d) Word of mouth.

3. Which reason does Naomi state for knowing her friends love her in "Why Do Stars Falls Down from the Sky"?
(a) She pays for everything.
(b) She is the only honest one.
(c) She is too hilarious.
(d) They know she has a kind heart.

4. What is Mia in the middle of doing when she runs in to her mother?
(a) Clubbing with her friends.
(b) Meeting a secret girlfriend.
(c) Out for a run.
(d) Shopping for a new purse.

5. Who takes the most detailed notes on Tuffy's talk in "There's a Wonder in Most Everything I See"?
(a) Marielle.
(b) Mia.
(c) Jordy.
(d) Craig.

6. Why does Craig want to go to Boring in "You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven That I've Seen"?
(a) He wants to spend time with Mia.
(b) He is banned from New York.
(c) He misses the sound of cows.
(d) He wants a change of pace from the city.

7. The section describing Jordan's plummet could be described as?
(a) Sad.
(b) Suspenseful.
(c) Funny.
(d) Nostalgic.

8. How do Craig and Marielle fall asleep in the hotel room?
(a) On opposite sides of the bed.
(b) Exhausted after an argument.
(c) Naked and spooning.
(d) Holding hands.

9. What does the narrator list as an example of an empty promise in "You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven That I've Seen"?
(a) "I am going to sign up for the race next year."
(b) "I am going to win next time."
(c) "I am starting this diet today."
(d) "lets get ice cream."

10. Which location does Craig joke that he would prefer to have his funeral at?
(a) Kona.
(b) Dubrovnik.
(c) Paris.
(d) Port Moody.

11. What are Naomi's parents names?
(a) Sydney and Tristam.
(b) Fumiko and Takeshi.
(c) Akira and Ren.
(d) Maia and Schoby.

12. What is Naomi doing when her parents call in "Why Do Stars Falls Down from the Sky"?
(a) Getting a haircut.
(b) Dancing with her friends.
(c) Visiting Marielle in Boring.
(d) Working.

13. Which kind of play do the Jordans and Craig see in New York?
(a) An experimental play about Andy Warhol.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) A retelling of Romeo and Juliet.
(d) A one-man-show about capitalism.

14. What does Naomi quit after her funeral?
(a) Drinking.
(b) Exercising.
(c) Crying.
(d) Smoking.

15. When Naomi says: "all bets are off" (171), that is an example of what literary device?
(a) Tone.
(b) Symbolism.
(c) Anachronism.
(d) Idiom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jordan do at the end of "There's a Wonder in Most Everything I See"?

2. How are Naomi's parents described?

3. What does Craig assume he will hear on the other end of Marielle's call in "There's a Wonder in Most Everything I See"?

4. Which painting causes Craig to think he should surrender in "There's a Wonder in Most Everything I See"?

5. What was wrong with the painting Craig authenticated?

(see the answer keys)

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