The Caves of Steel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Caves of Steel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the purpose of the investigation of Dr. Sarton's murder for the Spacers?
(a) To gain a foothold in New York.
(b) An excuse for the Spacers to study humans in the field.
(c) To bring the murderer to justice.
(d) To play with Lije's mind.

2. Who is the obvious suspect as the killer of Dr. Sarton?
(a) A Spacer.
(b) Someone from Aurora.
(c) Enderby.
(d) A City dweller.

3. Why does Lije decide to leave Jessie's name out of his report about the group?
(a) She has been duped.
(b) She is the mother of his child.
(c) She has told them everything she knows and has not committed any crime.
(d) She is his wife.

4. Where does Lije plan to take Clousarr?
(a) Downtown.
(b) To Spacetown.
(c) To Clousarr's boss.
(d) No where.

5. What happens when Daneel and Lije rise from their table?
(a) The manager tells them the dinner is on him.
(b) Daneel trips and falls into a woman who screams "robot."
(c) The waiter asks them to leave via the kitchen.
(d) Two men who are watching them also rise.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daneel pull out of his chest?

2. For what was Daneel originally built?

3. What is the name of one of the men from the shoe store and kitchen incident?

4. What does Lije think he needs to find in Daneel?

5. How does Enderby accidentally kill Dr. Sarton?

Short Essay Questions

1. What childhood story makes Lije re-think Enderby as the murder suspect and why do you think Lije makes the connection between the story and Enderby?

2. How does Dr. Gerrigel demonstrate the first law of robotics and at the same time prove once and for all R. Daneel's innocence?

3. How does the conversation between Lije and Clousarr show Lije's changing opinions of robots?

4. What does the visit to Yeast town demonstrate?

5. When Daneel and Lije return to their apartment, what horrifies does Daneel do that horrifies Lije? Would you feel the same way

6. Why can't Daneel use cerebroanalysis to find the murderer?

7. How has the murder of R. Sammy changed the relationship between Lije and R. Daneel?

8. Do you think Lije and Enderby's relationship has changed and how so?

9. How is R. Daneel able to assure Lije of Enderby's innocence and does Daneel's explanation seem plausible?

10. Compare the relationship of Enderby and Lije with that of Lije and Daneel at the conclusion of the novel.

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