The Catcher in the Rye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Catcher in the Rye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Holden want to go with Sally?
(a) Pennsylvania.
(b) Europe.
(c) Massachusetts and Vermont.
(d) Hollywood.

2. Where did Holden room with Harris Macklin?
(a) Pencey Prep.
(b) Columbia.
(c) Whooton School.
(d) Elkton Hills.

3. Who does Holden call when he was drunk?
(a) Phoebe.
(b) Carl Luce.
(c) Sally Hayes.
(d) Jane Gallagher.

4. What cheers Holden up as he walks?
(a) A girl that reminds him of Phoebe.
(b) A boy walking his dog.
(c) A girl skipping and humming.
(d) A boy singing as he walks on the sidewalk.

5. What does Holden say happens if you tell anyone anything?
(a) You start missing everybody.
(b) You turn into a phony.
(c) They never listen.
(d) They use it against you.

6. Where does Holden say he will be instead of where his father will send him?
(a) Whooton School.
(b) Colorado
(c) Elkton Hills.
(d) Military school.

7. Where is the second place Holden intends to look for Phoebe?
(a) At the park.
(b) Rockefeller Center.
(c) At the museum.
(d) School.

8. How much does Holden allegedly owe the person who comes to his door?
(a) A dollar.
(b) Fifty cents.
(c) A kiss.
(d) Five dollars.

9. What wakes Holden?
(a) A commotion in the bedroom.
(b) Mrs. Antolini in the kitchen.
(c) The phone rings.
(d) Mr. Antolini's hand on his head.

10. What does Mr. Antolini think is going to happen to Holden?
(a) He is going to succeed at anything he wants to do.
(b) He is going to get sent to military school.
(c) He is going to fall.
(d) He is going to have to move to Colorado.

11. How does Holden's date with Sally end?
(a) Sally storms out.
(b) They get a hotel room together.
(c) Holden leaves.
(d) Holden walks her home.

12. How does Holden know the maid will not hear him?
(a) She is not a live-in maid.
(b) Her room is at the back of the apartment.
(c) She only has one eardrum.
(d) She sleeps too deeply.

13. What is Phoebe's full name?
(a) Phoebe Nicole Caulfield.
(b) Phoebe Anne Caulfield.
(c) Phoebe Weatherfield Caulfield.
(d) Phoebe Josephine Caulfield.

14. Where is Phoebe injured?
(a) Her cheek.
(b) Her knee.
(c) Her elbow.
(d) Her chin.

15. Where did Phoebe get the money she gives Holden?
(a) It is her Christmas money.
(b) She took it from their mother's purse.
(c) It was D.B.'s hidden cash.
(d) It is her birthday money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Holden decide to go at the end of the chapter?

2. What is Mrs. Antolini's first name?

3. Whose quote does Mr. Antolini share with Holden?

4. What does Mr. Antolini do while Holden waits for the elevator?

5. What does Holden think will happen to him when he crosses streets?

(see the answer keys)

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