The Cat Who Turned on and Off Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cat Who Turned on and Off Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the only one who had read Andy's novel?
(a) Iris Cobb.
(b) Mrs. McGuffey.
(c) Sylvia Katzenhide.
(d) Mary Duckworth.

2. After Mary leaves, what does Qwilleran ask his cats?
(a) What they're going to bring him next.
(b) If they have been behaving.
(c) What they would like for dinner.
(d) Why they don't like Mary.

3. Visiting the Fluxion office, what does Riker tell Qwilleran?
(a) He has a good chance of winning the writing prize.
(b) He will get paid extra for investigating the murders.
(c) Nobody is interested in reading about Junktown.
(d) To stop his feature on Junktown and concentrate on the murders.

4. Where do Qwilleran and Ben go on a late night "scrounge."?
(a) The Garrick Theatre.
(b) Andy's shop.
(c) The Ellsworth House.
(d) The Gaston Museum.

5. What do Qwilleran and Mary discover in his apartment?
(a) A crawl space in the ceiling.
(b) A secret compartment behind his bookshelf.
(c) A trap door under his rug.
(d) An open ventilation vent behind his bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. When someone comes in asking for horse braces, what are they really looking for?

2. What does Mary say is strange about the request for horse braces?

3. On Christmas Eve how does Koko keep distracting Qwilleran?

4. What does Qwilleran find in Ben's apartment during a visit?

5. Whose boot sole matches a footprint Qwilleran found in the Elsworth house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of the surprise visitor to Iris's shop while Qwilleran is taking his turn managing it?

2. How does Koko inadvertently solve the mystery?

3. How does Qwilleran mistake the source of the things Koko brings to him?

4. Why does Qwilleran leash Koko and take him of a tour of the Cobb building?

5. What information does Mrs. McGuffey give Qwilleran that might possibly prove to be a motive for Andy's murder?

6. While Iris is away, what does Hollis Prantz come looking for?

7. What arrangement does Qwilleran make with Ben Nicolas?

8. What does Yum Yum show Qwilleran and where was it?

9. Who does Qwilleran suspect the drug dealer to be?

10. What does Qwilleran learn from reading the manuscript that explains the calls for horse braces?

(see the answer keys)

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