The Cat Who Turned on and Off Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cat Who Turned on and Off Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose car does Qwilleran discover fits the size and shape of the second car that was at the Ellsworth House?
(a) Ben's.
(b) Cluthra's.
(c) Prantz's.
(d) Mary's.

2. What device does Mary bring Qwilleran to help his injured knee?
(a) Some elastic bandages.
(b) A heat lamp.
(c) A leg brace.
(d) Some thick ointment.

3. What is the meeting about among the antique dealers?
(a) How to beautify the area.
(b) Plans for the block party.
(c) Finding support for saving Junktown.
(d) Who might have motive for killing Andy.

4. When Ben buys drinks for everyone, what does Qwilleran observe about Ben's money?
(a) It is held together with a silver money clip.
(b) It is a little damp.
(c) It is kept in an antique wallet.
(d) It is folded like the bill he found in his apartment.

5. In a conversation with Mary, what does Qwilleran avoid doing?
(a) Warning her that she will be hurt by what he writes.
(b) Telling her he will not write about the murder.
(c) Asking her to care for the cats for a few days.
(d) Letting her know he suspects she is a murderer.

6. Why had Rosie come to Junktown?
(a) To spy on Qwilleran.
(b) To look for a horse brace.
(c) To find out who bought the chandelier.
(d) To buy a gift for her husband.

7. What is Qwilleran thinking about when he goes to bed after leaving the bar?
(a) The dust swirls in the theatre.
(b) The Press Club dinner.
(c) Where Koko goes at night.
(d) The tire tracks at Ellsworth House.

8. While Qwilleran is in Iris's shop, who surprises him with a visit?
(a) Riker's wife, Rosie.
(b) Koko and Yum Yum.
(c) Mary Duxbury's father.
(d) Another reporter from the Fluxion.

9. Where was the "hot" manuscript hidden?
(a) Behind the bookshelf.
(b) Under the rug.
(c) In the pot bellied stove.
(d) Under a photograph in a frame.

10. Who was the only one who had read Andy's novel?
(a) Mrs. McGuffey.
(b) Sylvia Katzenhide.
(c) Iris Cobb.
(d) Mary Duckworth.

11. What does Mary go over while she is visiting Qwilleran?
(a) The titles of books on his bookshelf.
(b) His list of sales and inquiries from Iris's shop.
(c) The events of the past day.
(d) The scratch he has on his hand.

12. After leaving the police station, who is the person he leaves Iris with?
(a) Mary Duckworth.
(b) Ben Nicolas.
(c) Cluthra.
(d) A nurse at the hospital.

13. As Qwilleran begins reading Andy's manuscript, what becomes clear?
(a) It is based on people of Junktown.
(b) It is a plan for stealing antiques.
(c) It has nothing to do with Junktown people.
(d) It is a real masterpiece.

14. During their conversation, what does Mary reveal about her quarrel with Andy the night of his death?
(a) His involvment with Iris.
(b) His fake antiques.
(c) Hhis not answering her calls.
(d) His involvement with Cluthra.

15. What is the significance of the hair Qwilleran found?
(a) It came from Mary.
(b) It came from Yum Yum, his cat.
(c) It came from Iris.
(d) It came from Koko.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cluthra's theory about Mary's broken foot?

2. Who does Qwilleran take on a search of his building?

3. What is Qwilleran's impression of Hollis Prantz?

4. From where does Qwilleran believe KoKo has been finding things he leaves for Qwilleran?

5. What had Mary found at Andy's place identical to what Qwilleran found in his apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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