The Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Frieda refer to the assistants as?
(a) Klamm's misfits.
(b) Klamm's missionaries.
(c) Klamm's emissaries.
(d) Klamm's entourage.

2. What does Schwarzer tell K. in the beginning of the novel when the two first meet?
(a) That K. is welcome in the village.
(b) That K. has no permission to be there.
(c) That K. has to show papers bearing the royal seal from the Castle.
(d) That K. has to work for his board at the inn.

3. What is it like inside Klamm's sleigh?
(a) Luxurious and warm.
(b) Cramped and hot.
(c) Cold and uncomforable.
(d) Sterile and austere.

4. What does K. worry about regarding Frieda?
(a) That she will continue to feel attached to Klamm.
(b) That she will continue to sleep with Klamm.
(c) That she will make Klamm angry with her.
(d) That she will leave him when she learns the Castle does not need him.

5. What does the chairman offer to contact the Castle for?
(a) Residential papers for K.
(b) Permission for K. to marry.
(c) A promotion for K.
(d) Reimbursement for K.

6. What photo does the landlady show K.?
(a) A photo of her husband as a young man.
(b) A photo of Frieda as a young girl.
(c) A photo of herself as a young girl.
(d) A photo of a messenger Klamm sent to her long ago.

7. How many siblings does Barnabas have?
(a) Two.
(b) One.
(c) Four.
(d) Three.

8. How did the landlady meet her husband?
(a) He consoled her after Klamm stopped calling on her.
(b) He came to stay at her father's inn.
(c) He bought flowers from her every day in her flower shop.
(d) He was a messenger between her and Klamm.

9. What jumps on Frieda in the middle of the night at the school?
(a) A weasel.
(b) A rat.
(c) A dog.
(d) A cat.

10. When do they tell K. that Klamm left the Gentleman's Inn?
(a) While K. was waiting for Klamm.
(b) A few hours after K. had left.
(c) As soon as K. was out of the way.
(d) Before K. arrived at the Gentleman's Inn.

11. What reason does Frieda's mother give for letting K. stay in the inn when he first arrived?
(a) She thought it would be nice to talk to someone new.
(b) She thought K. would be a good connection with the Castle.
(c) She needed the money.
(d) She was too tired to kick him out.

12. How does the landlady say she feels about K. staying at the inn?
(a) She says she is in love with K. and wants him to stay.
(b) She says that she wants K. to stay but doesn't want to see or hear him.
(c) She says she is happy that K. is staying there.
(d) She says that she wants K. to leave immediately.

13. What answer do K.'s assistants get when they call the Castle for permission to visit?
(a) They are told they must fill out the right forms.
(b) They are told they can come at once.
(c) They are told they must wait three days.
(d) They are told no.

14. Who does Frieda's mother say an official will talk to?
(a) Anyone.
(b) No one.
(c) Only those he wants to talk to.
(d) Only those who fill out the correct paperwork.

15. What is Frieda's relationship with Klamm?
(a) They are enemies.
(b) They are siblings.
(c) They are lovers.
(d) They are friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Klamm try to find on the wall in the taproom?

2. At the end of Chapter VIII, where is K.?

3. From whom does K. receive a letter?

4. What does K. want to do about his assistants?

5. What does the gentleman want K. to do?

(see the answer keys)

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