The Castle Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Castle Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter III: Frieda and Chapter IV: First Conversation with the Landlady.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who discovers Frieda and K. embracing in K.'s room?
(a) Olga.
(b) A Castle official.
(c) Barnabas.
(d) Some maids.

2. Where does K. go when he arrives at the village?
(a) To the guard house to befriend the guards.
(b) To a friend's house.
(c) To the servants' entrance of the castle.
(d) To the inn to sleep.

3. How does K. try to get out of the conversation with Frieda's mother?
(a) By saying he is wanted at the Castle immediately.
(b) By saying he is not decent and must dress.
(c) By saying he must leave for his meeting with the village chairman.
(d) By saying he must go to work surveying the land the inn is on.

4. What do Artur and Jeremias look like?
(a) Opposites, with one fat and the other thin.
(b) Identical, with thick black beards.
(c) Similar to each other, but with different color eyes.
(d) Similar to each other, but with different color hair.

5. Do the people in the house know about K.?
(a) Yes, but they pretend not to know of him.
(b) No, they have never heard anything about him.
(c) No, they have only heard vague rumors of a stranger in town.
(d) Yes, they have heard talk about him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does K. step into a house on the way to the Castle?

2. What does Schwarzer tell K. in the beginning of the novel when the two first meet?

3. What color hair does Frieda have?

4. What is the attitude of the people in the house toward K.?

5. When K. leaves with Barnabas, where do they end up?

(see the answer key)

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