The Canterbury Tales Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Canterbury Tales Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the Prioress's Tale take place?
(a) Jerusalem.
(b) Egypt.
(c) Asia.
(d) Spain.

2. How does Chanticleer escape his captor?
(a) He doesn't escape.
(b) By tricking him.
(c) Through patience.
(d) By singing him to sleep.

3. Who does Cecilia warn her new husband about?
(a) Her father.
(b) Valerian.
(c) Tiburse.
(d) Her guardian angel.

4. What does the Parson tell as his “story”?
(a) A song.
(b) A sermon.
(c) Nothing; he does not tell a tale.
(d) A saint's life.

5. Who does the canon in the Yeoman's Tale borrow a mark from?
(a) A merchant.
(b) A yeoman.
(c) A monk.
(d) A priest.

6. Who is Cecilia forced to marry?
(a) A lord who conquers her father's kingdom.
(b) Valerian.
(c) A corrupt deacon.
(d) Tiburse.

7. Why does the Host use as many medical terms as he can when speaking to the Physician after his tale?
(a) To show his praise of the story.
(b) To impress the rest of the pilgrims.
(c) To keep the conversation going.
(d) To show that he has been educated in medical terminology.

8. Who does Cecilia love?
(a) The Virgin Mary.
(b) Tiburse.
(c) Valerian.
(d) Her father.

9. What color is Phoebus' crow?
(a) White.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Black.

10. What do the Canon and the Yeoman do?
(a) They are alchemists.
(b) They beg for whatever they get.
(c) The sing.
(d) They sell fabric.

11. What kind of tale does the Monk tell?
(a) Religious.
(b) Happy.
(c) Comdeic.
(d) Tragic.

12. What happens to Appius at the end of the Physician's Tale?
(a) He flees.
(b) He is exiled.
(c) He is imprisoned.
(d) He is hanged.

13. How does the youngest of the men find Death?
(a) He trades his life with the wandering man.
(b) He is poisoned.
(c) He is stabbed.
(d) He doesn't find Death.

14. Who asks the Parson to tell a story?
(a) The Pardoner.
(b) The Second Nun.
(c) The Host.
(d) The Prioress.

15. What animal is Chanticleer?
(a) A horse.
(b) A dog.
(c) A fox.
(d) A rooster.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Sophia in the end of the Tale of Melibee?

2. Who does the Host ask to tell the next tale?

3. What does the Second Nun warn against in her prologue?

4. Who is Sir John?

5. Who does the Host discover sleeping in his saddle?

(see the answer keys)

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