The Canterbury Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Canterbury Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What animal does the king's daughter nurse back to health in the Squire’s Tale?
(a) An owl.
(b) A falcon.
(c) A horse.
(d) A cat.

2. Why is the apprentice cook able to revel all day?
(a) He quits his apprenticeship.
(b) He marries a rich woman.
(c) He becomes a private cook for a man who travels frequently.
(d) He is dismissed by his master.

3. Why does the Priest refuse to tell the next story?
(a) He is praying.
(b) He will not participate in non-Christian contests.
(c) He is offended by the Host's swearing.
(d) He wants to hear the Shipman's tale.

4. What kind of tale is the Squire asked to tell?
(a) A tale about nobility.
(b) A tale about bravery.
(c) A tale about love.
(d) A tale about religion.

5. What wakes John?
(a) A rooster.
(b) Nicholas's cry for water.
(c) A townsperson.
(d) Absalom wakes him to tell him what's happening.

6. What kind of language does the Host use to ask the Man of Law to tell his tale?
(a) Vernacular.
(b) Latin.
(c) Legal language.
(d) French.

7. What is the yeoman's real identity?
(a) An angel.
(b) A priest.
(c) A demon.
(d) A ghost.

8. What happens when John falls through the ceiling?
(a) He breaks an arm.
(b) He breaks a leg.
(c) He kills Allison.
(d) He breaks Nicholas's arm.

9. Why does Dorigen contemplate suicide?
(a) Aurelius completed the task she challenged him with.
(b) Aurelius gets her pregnant.
(c) Arveragus has been killed in battle.
(d) She becomes ill.

10. What is the job of the spies in The Friar's Tale?
(a) To gather tithes from parish members.
(b) To find out who is speaking out against the church.
(c) To gather information about parish members.
(d) To get information for homilies.

11. Who wants to marry Lady Constance?
(a) Lady Constance's cousin.
(b) The Sultan's son.
(c) The Sultan.
(d) The merchants.

12. Why does the king in the Squire’s Tale order a celebration?
(a) For the birth of his twentieth child.
(b) For the twentieth anniversary of his reign.
(c) For his daughter's twentieth birthday.
(d) For his twentieth wedding anniversary.

13. What punishment does Theseus give Palamon and Arcite?
(a) Servitude in Athens.
(b) Servitude in Creon.
(c) Imprisonment in Thebes.
(d) Imprisonment in Athens.

14. Who will determine the best tale in the contest?
(a) The Host.
(b) The Pardoner.
(c) The group will vote.
(d) The Narrator.

15. What does the miller refill half the students' the flour sack with?
(a) Wheat.
(b) Bran.
(c) Sand.
(d) Baby powder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the question the knight must answer?

2. Who tells the Wife of Bath he thinks questions of authority and scripture should be left to the proper authorities?

3. How many husbands does the Wife of Bath consider “good?”

4. Who tells the Franklin to go on with his tale?

5. Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?

(see the answer keys)

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