The Candy House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jennifer Egan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Candy House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jennifer Egan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alfred have an extreme intolerance of?
(a) Sports.
(b) Music.
(c) Fakery.
(d) Reading.

2. What does Drew do for a living?
(a) Landscaper.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Lawyer.
(d) Accountant.

3. What kind of parties does O'Brien have?
(a) Literary parties.
(b) Taco parties.
(c) Art parties.
(d) Margarita parties.

4. How does Lincoln describe himself?
(a) As an atypical.
(b) As a flighter.
(c) As an engineer.
(d) As a window washer.

5. Who is Lincoln's unit leader?
(a) Avery.
(b) Marc.
(c) Riki.
(d) M.

6. What is the name of Miranda's book?
(a) The Blunder.
(b) The Affinity Charm.
(c) Seven Habits of Techies.
(d) They Key.

7. How does Lincoln classify his sister?
(a) As an atypical.
(b) As a freeperson.
(c) As an eluder.
(d) As an impressionist.

8. Who does Miles have an affair with?
(a) His sister-in-law.
(b) His neighbor.
(c) His wife's cousin.
(d) His best friend.

9. Who is Miles's cousin he goes to stay with in Part I?
(a) Jennifer.
(b) Chris.
(c) Henry.
(d) Sasha.

10. What band does Lou Kline's business partner help launch?
(a) Helios.
(b) The Big Bang.
(c) Riccardos.
(d) Conduits.

11. Who is Liz's mother?
(a) Joan.
(b) Stephanie.
(c) Dolly.
(d) Noreen.

12. What is Bix's company called?
(a) Helios.
(b) Facebook.
(c) Frene.
(d) Mandala.

13. What does Miles really look forward to doing in the desert?
(a) Making moonshine.
(b) Riding a horse.
(c) Going on a hot air balloon ride.
(d) Eating cactus.

14. Where does Miles go after visiting Sasha?
(a) Back to Chicago.
(b) Back to Dallas.
(c) Back to Michigan.
(d) Back to New York.

15. Which company does Lincoln work for?
(a) Harvest.
(b) Mandala.
(c) Helios.
(d) Riggs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lou Kline do for a living?

2. What kind of costume does does M wear one Halloween?

3. Where does Miles tell Drew he has never been?

4. What does Alfred sometimes do in public that is very disturbing to people?

5. What is the centerpiece of Miranda's house?

(see the answer keys)

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