The Campaigns of Alexander Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Campaigns of Alexander Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In one version of the story, how does Alexander deal with the knot at Gordium?
(a) He unties it with the help of three other men.
(b) He unties it by himself.
(c) He burns it.
(d) He cuts through it with a sword.

2. Where does Alexander order his fleet to sail as he makes his way to Heliopolis?
(a) Thebes.
(b) Giza.
(c) Luxor.
(d) Memphis.

3. As Alexander approaches, where does Darius move his troops?
(a) Issus.
(b) Alexandria.
(c) Gaugamela.
(d) Arados.

4. How wide is the battlefield between the Mediterranean Sea and the coastal mountains where Alexander and Darius meet?
(a) One to two miles.
(b) One to three miles.
(c) Two to three miles.
(d) Two to four miles.

5. What is Alexander looking for when he surveys the land before battling Darius for the second time?
(a) Hidden enemy soldiers and traps.
(b) Hidden trenches and traps.
(c) Hidden trenches, hidden enemy soldiers, and traps.
(d) Hidden trenches and hidden enemy soldiers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which omen does Alexander pay attention to which leads him to render the Persian navy useless?

2. Where does Alexander march through in his conquering Asian campaign?

3. How long after the fact does Arrian write about the campaigns of Alexander?

4. What does Alexander do before engaging Darius?

5. Which northwest town rebels against Alexander after his battle with Glaucias?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens in the battle between the Macedonians and the Persians at Issus?

2. Where does Alexander chase Bessus, and how is Bessus captured?

3. What trouble does Alexander overcome while passing through the Persian Gates?

4. What is the author's intention in "The Campaigns of Alexander", and what challenge does he make to the reader?

5. How do the Macedonians pass through the Syrian Gates, and what weakness does Alexander correct before facing Darius and the Persians?

6. What questionable actions does Alexander take at Thebes?

7. What does Alexander do at Pasargadae and why?

8. What omen does Alexander listen to in preparing to battle the Persians?

9. How do Alexander and the Macedonians win their first battle with the Thracians?

10. What news does Alexander receive at Soli and how do the Macedonians celebrate?

(see the answer keys)

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