The Campaigns of Alexander Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Campaigns of Alexander Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Alexander position his forces to cross the river during the battle with Porus?
(a) So they can communicate with each other easily.
(b) So they can all cross at once.
(c) So they can communicate with the enemy easily.
(d) So they can cross in a single file line.

2. What happens to Bessus after he is captured by Alexander?
(a) He is sent to jail.
(b) He joins the Macedonians.
(c) He is executed.
(d) He is released.

3. On what river does Alexander first use boats to build a bridge?
(a) Indus.
(b) Ganges.
(c) Narmada.
(d) Kaveri.

4. How does Alexander deal with the resistance he encounters on the way to the Indian Ocean after recovering from his injury?
(a) At a normal pace.
(b) Slowly.
(c) Quickly.
(d) He does not encounter any resistance.

5. How many shifts does Alexander work the Macedonians as they climb the Rock of Chorienes?
(a) Two.
(b) Five.
(c) Four.
(d) Seven.

6. What wounds Alexander during the fight in a Mallian town?
(a) An arrow.
(b) A rock.
(c) A spear.
(d) A fire.

7. Where is Porus wounded in the battle with Alexander?
(a) The right shoulder.
(b) The left shoulder.
(c) The left leg.
(d) The right leg.

8. As part of his strategy, what does Alexander want Porus to do on the river?
(a) Position men on both sides of the river.
(b) Follow Alexander.
(c) Stay on one side of the river.
(d) Post lookouts.

9. Where does Alexander order his fleet before visiting the tomb of Cyrus?
(a) The Tigris River.
(b) The Euphrates River.
(c) The Nile River.
(d) The Danube River.

10. How many animals die in the desert that the Macedonians travel across after monsoon season?
(a) Half of them.
(b) Few of them.
(c) Most of them.
(d) None of them.

11. Which Macedonian officer gives a speech in favor of ending the war and returning home?
(a) Coenus.
(b) Craterus.
(c) Coragus.
(d) Callisthenes.

12. What part of the enemy army does Alexander position his mounted archers against in the battle with Porus?
(a) Both the left and right flank.
(b) The center.
(c) The left flank.
(d) The right flank.

13. What causes Alexander to become ill after facing the Scythians?
(a) Tainted water.
(b) Food poisoning.
(c) Lack of sleep.
(d) Lack of water.

14. How many days does Alexander mourn for Cleitus' death?
(a) Five days.
(b) Three days.
(c) Two days.
(d) Four days.

15. How do the natives react when the Macedonians reach the top of the Rock of Sogdiana?
(a) They attempt to resist, but lose.
(b) They begin climbing down the mountain.
(c) They attempt to bargain with them.
(d) They surrender.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much trouble does Alexander have in taking the first Mallian town?

2. What is the weather like on the night before the Macedonians cross the river while battling Porus?

3. What do the Macedonians exploit to gain an early advantage over Porus and the Indians?

4. How much resistance does Alexander encounter as he marches into India?

5. How does monsoon season affect sea travel?

(see the answer keys)

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