The Campaigns of Alexander Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Campaigns of Alexander Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the Macedonians enter the second battle against Darius and the Persian army?
(a) They have more troops and are better armed.
(b) They have more troops, but are not as well armed.
(c) They are outnumbered, but are better armed.
(d) They are outnumbered and not as well armed.

2. What temple is a source of refuge for a town's population as Alexander battles to secure Egypt?
(a) The Temple of Ares.
(b) The Temple of Heracles.
(c) The Temple of Poseidon.
(d) The Temple of Zeus.

3. Who does Alexander make sacrifices to after seizing the town of the Getae?
(a) Zeus and Poseidon.
(b) Zeus and Ares.
(c) Zeus and Heracles.
(d) Zeus and Apollo.

4. How wide is the battlefield between the Mediterranean Sea and the coastal mountains where Alexander and Darius meet?
(a) One to two miles.
(b) Two to three miles.
(c) One to three miles.
(d) Two to four miles.

5. Where does Alexander dispatch his troops to retrieve Darius' treasure after the battle?
(a) Latakia.
(b) Tripoli.
(c) Damascus.
(d) Saida.

6. Which ancestors is Alexander trying to outdo?
(a) Heracles and Achilles.
(b) Heracles and Perseus.
(c) Perseus and Achilles.
(d) Heracles, Perseus, and Achilles.

7. What is used to burn down the towers that Alexander builds as he attempts to secure Egypt?
(a) Burning ropes.
(b) Torches.
(c) Flamed arrows.
(d) A flaming cattle boat.

8. After Alexander defeats the Getae people, what does he do to their town?
(a) He ignores it.
(b) He ridicules it.
(c) He burns it.
(d) He renames it.

9. When is Philip of Macedon assassinated?
(a) 336 B.C.
(b) 220 B.C.
(c) 520 B.C.
(d) 446 B.C.

10. How far away is Sochi, when Alexander learns that Darius is there?
(a) Two days away.
(b) Two weeks away.
(c) One day away.
(d) One week away.

11. What part of his army does Alexander reinforce before charging Darius' army?
(a) The back.
(b) The middle.
(c) The right plank.
(d) The left plank.

12. Which one of the following is secured by the Macedonians while Alexander is at Soli?
(a) Apamea.
(b) Halicarnassus.
(c) Nicomedia.
(d) Byzantium.

13. Where does Alexander first attack the Persian army in their second battle?
(a) The left flank.
(b) Both the left and right flanks.
(c) The right flank.
(d) The middle.

14. Which tactic does Alexander use to defeat the Thracians in their first battle?
(a) Fire.
(b) Archers.
(c) Tree trunks.
(d) Spears.

15. What other name is Arrian, the author, known as?
(a) Anacreon.
(b) Homer.
(c) Hesiod.
(d) Xenophon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which assassin is responsible for killing Philip of Macedon?

2. In one version of the story, how does Alexander deal with the knot at Gordium?

3. What is the city of Alexandria known as?

4. How was Ammon first depicted?

5. How does Alexander respond to Darius' offer to be allies?

(see the answer keys)

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