The Californios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Californios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Machado want to wait until the morning to go up against Sean and the others?
(a) Machado wants to rest.
(b) Many of the men do not want to move in the dark.
(c) Machado thinks there are ghosts that will help Sean's group in the dark.
(d) Machado's group is in the open.

2. Who tells Sean that someone wants to speak with Sean?
(a) Montero.
(b) Machado.
(c) Bell.
(d) Eileen.

3. What does the merchant at the local store promise Eileen?
(a) To tell the locals about the way Wooston threatened Eileen.
(b) To hold the next keg of beer that comes in for them.
(c) To attend the fandango and to spread the word about it.
(d) To refuse to serve Wooston if he comes in.

4. What does Eileen plan to tell the people in the area?
(a) That Machado shot Sean.
(b) That Machado shot Win.
(c) That Juan is dead.
(d) That gold has been discovered.

5. Why do Machado's men believe there are more to Sean's group than they thought?
(a) Sean fires his gun from several different places.
(b) Montero throws his voice and accent.
(c) Montero has his horse make noise.
(d) Montero and Mariana make noise.

6. What does Russell find when he follows some tracks?
(a) A table.
(b) Francisco.
(c) Another cave.
(d) Three men.

7. What does Sean tell Machado?
(a) Sean refuses to speak to Machado.
(b) That Sean will fight Machado for Mariana the next day.
(c) That there will be no fighting at the fiesta.
(d) That Mariana wants to return to Mexico with Machado.

8. What sounds are coming from the hills?
(a) None.
(b) Wolves howling.
(c) Owls hooting.
(d) Laughter and coyote howls.

9. About what does Eileen hint at to the merchant?
(a) That she plans to take Wooston to court.
(b) That she will better Wooston at his game.
(c) That the party will be attended by several important political figures.
(d) That there is plenty of gold to be had.

10. Why does Eileen apologize to Juan?
(a) For thinking Jaime was visiting a fake shamen.
(b) For being slow on her feet.
(c) For asking him to undertake this journey.
(d) For telling Jaime he could not bring Juan to live at the ranch.

11. What does Francisco talk about as the men are traveling?
(a) Francisco is completely silent.
(b) His girlfriend.
(c) How he will spend the gold.
(d) The Unknown Ones the the Old One.

12. What does Silva tell Wooston?
(a) That the Mulkerin party is back at their ranch.
(b) That he is quitting working for Wooston.
(c) That the Mulkerin party has disappeared.
(d) That the Mulkerin party is in a dead-end canyon.

13. What does Eileen realize as she is waking Juan?
(a) Juan is ill.
(b) The gold can wait.
(c) He is dead.
(d) Juan is older than she first thought.

14. Why is Eileen concerned about Juan?
(a) He has a bad cough.
(b) He is shaking.
(c) He sits to rest in the cave and does not seem well.
(d) He is blue around the lips.

15. How is Eileen described as looking as she rides?
(a) Like a sack of potatoes.
(b) Like a person who has never mounted a horse before.
(c) Like an Irish princess.
(d) Like a jockey in a race.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why might the gold not be the answer to Eileen's predicament about the ranch house?

2. Why does Sean wake Mariana?

3. What does Eileen do with her coat?

4. Who is Mariana supposed to find?

5. What is the trail from Los Angeles to Malibu like?

(see the answer keys)

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