The Buddha of Suburbia Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Buddha of Suburbia Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Karim worry about while Eva is having the house fixed up?
(a) Jamila.
(b) Margaret.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Money.

2. Who/what does Jean live with?
(a) Three dogs.
(b) No one.
(c) Ted.
(d) Three chickens.

3. What does Changez want to see in town?
(a) The bar.
(b) Cricket and the auto shop.
(c) Cricket and bookstores.
(d) The bar and auto shop.

4. Eva and Haroon move from _______ to ________.
(a) A duplex/A house.
(b) A house/A duplex.
(c) The city/The suburbs.
(d) The Suburbs/The City.

5. On their way to Eva's house in Part One, Chapter One, where do Haroom and Karim stop?
(a) The marketplace.
(b) The local pub.
(c) A shoe shine station.
(d) A wine shop.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Karim's feelings toward Charlie change in Part One, Chapter Eight?

2. When Karim and Helen are walking together in Part One, Chapter Five, who did they run into?

3. By Part One, Chapter Eight, what is Haroon in high demand for?

4. Where is the man from who is arranged to marry Jamila?

5. How does Charlie treat Karim in Part One, Chapter Six?

Short Essay Questions

1. What exchanges occur between Karim and Helen in Part One, Chapter Three?

2. Where does Karim find Charlie during Haroon's speech in Part One, Chapter Three, and what is different about Charlie?

3. How is Changez introduced in the book, and what does Anwar feel about him after finally meeting him?

4. How do Changez and Karim react to each other upon meeting for the first time?

5. How does Karim and Shadwell feel about one another upon meeting for the first time?

6. Why is it ironic that Jamila looks to Karim for advice in Part One, Chapter Four?

7. How does Haroon feel about his new life with Eva in the city?

8. What aspects in Part One, Chapter Four reveal details of Indian culture.

9. What are two ways Karim shows compassion or concern for others in Part One, Chapter Six?

10. Why might it be so important to Karim that Haroon realize the full consequences of his choices and possible outcomes of his actions with Eva?

(see the answer keys)

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