The Brothers K Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Brothers K Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Everett about his friends when he goes into hiding after burning his draft card?
(a) They all forget him.
(b) They do not support his decision to hide from the draft.
(c) He finds out they have been stealing money from him.
(d) They reveal where he is hiding to the FBI.

2. Where do they first find cancer in Hugh?
(a) His prostate.
(b) His lymphatic system.
(c) His liver.
(d) His left lung.

3. How many years in prison is Everett sentenced to for draft dodging?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

4. What is the name of the town where Everett settles?
(a) Shyashyakook.
(b) Vancouver.
(c) Prakatitch.
(d) Ferney.

5. What is the name of the British man who facilitates the robbing of Peter in India?
(a) Thomas.
(b) Rupert.
(c) Searing.
(d) Dessinger.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Kincaid, what event signals the real beginning of the Sixties?

2. Why does Peter change from third class trains to first class compartments in his travels through India?

3. Who finds the verses written between Uncle Marvin and Mary Jane?

4. Whom does Hugh telegram for help when he realizes he will not be able to free Irwin on his own?

5. What reason does Natasha give for leaving Everett?

Short Essay Questions

1. What piece of pitching advice does Freddy recite at Hugh's wake?

2. What effect does Everett's glasses have upon his baseball game?

3. Why does Peter refuse to buy back his manuscripts in Book Five?

4. What reason does Peter give Laura for taking a job at the mill in Chapter 5?

5. Why does Irwin quit the baseball team?

6. How is Peter afraid of hurting his father in regard to baseball in Book Four?

7. Why does Everett think Myshkin is a prodigy in literature and art?

8. How is Everett's attitude in regards to his imprisonment?

9. What does Kincaid dream about on their journey home in Book Six that startles and scares him?

10. What do Hugh and Kincaid do to help them sleep the night before they are going to free Irwin in Book Six?

(see the answer keys)

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