The Brothers K Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Brothers K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What Major League team does Hugh get the chance to pitch a few games for during his tenure with the Tugboats?
(a) Cubs.
(b) White Sox.
(c) Angels.
(d) Pirates.

2. How does Everett entice Tasha to come and visit him?
(a) He tells her he found a Russian relic.
(b) He offers to get her a job in the area.
(c) He writes her a series of love poems.
(d) He sends her a plane ticket to Canada.

3. Which country is the visiting preacher Kim Joon from in Book Five?
(a) China.
(b) Korea.
(c) Vietnam.
(d) Japan.

4. What summer job does Everett take in Victoria to help him get through the winter in Book Five?
(a) He works a tavern.
(b) He writes a column for the local paper.
(c) He buses tables at a trendy tourist cafe.
(d) He works at a car wash.

5. What does Everett name the goat he tends to in Book Five?
(a) Artie.
(b) Monster.
(c) Booger.
(d) Demon.

6. What event prompts Irwin to start talking?
(a) One morning he just wakes up and starts talking.
(b) A kiss from Nash.
(c) Hugh's death.
(d) The arrival of Tasha.

7. What is the name of the professor whom Everett debates publicly in front of a huge seminar of students?
(a) Dr. Fields.
(b) Professor Smith.
(c) Dr. Gurtzner.
(d) Dr. Mehta.

8. What do they serve for dinner at Everett's penitentiary when reporters come?
(a) Lasagna.
(b) Steak.
(c) Hamburgers.
(d) Spaghetti.

9. What ultimatum does Laura give her congregation in Book Six?
(a) She threatens to commit suicide if they do not help Irwin.
(b) She tells them she will expose Elder Babcock's misdeeds to the police if the congregation does not help Irwin.
(c) She tells them if they will not help Irwin she will no longer belong to the congregation.
(d) She threatens to burn down the church if people will not support Irwin.

10. Why is Irwin unable to recognize Hugh the first time he visits?
(a) Irwin is suffering from temporary amnesia.
(b) Hugh has changed drastically since the last time he saw him.
(c) He is heavily sedated.
(d) Irwin is blindfolded.

11. Who sends Peter all of his belongings from India?
(a) T Bar.
(b) Natu.
(c) Dessinger.
(d) Grayson.

12. How much money does Peter have stolen from him in India?
(a) $2000.00.
(b) $120.00.
(c) $17.50.
(d) $570.00.

13. How does Hugh request to be buried?
(a) He wants to be buried next to his mother.
(b) He asks to be buried at sea.
(c) He has no preference about his burial.
(d) He wants to be cremated.

14. What does Peter call his mental state while awaiting a pitch?
(a) Slow think.
(b) Fast think.
(c) No think.
(d) Quick think.

15. According to Hugh in Book Five, what does W.P. stand for?
(a) Wild Pitch.
(b) Wishful Peace.
(c) Wandering Prayer.
(d) War Prayer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What unexpected event ends Irwin's career as a track star?

2. Why have Irwin and Linda been unable to marry earlier in the novel?

3. What fellow draft dodger advises Everett about a potential return to the United States?

4. What statement does Elder Joon claim God says to him?

5. What addition to the Chance family and friends from Camas intimidates Major Keys?

(see the answer keys)

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