The Brothers K Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Brothers K Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Everett earn his first high school suspension?
(a) Having fist fights.
(b) Putting a tack on the teacher's chair.
(c) Stealing food from the lunchroom.
(d) Bringing his dog to school.

2. What do the Chance boys call Grandawma's dog?
(a) Gomorrah.
(b) Dog.
(c) Pullman.
(d) Marion.

3. What magazine publishes Everett's school paper "Junk Genius"?
(a) GQ.
(b) Time Magazine.
(c) Sporting Digest.
(d) The Readers Digest.

4. Who contacts Durham about Hugh's pitching ability after his surgery?
(a) Hugh.
(b) Kincaid.
(c) A local scout in Washington.
(d) Everett.

5. What dessert does Laura give Irwin in exchange for guessing a secret in Book One?
(a) A piece of lemon cake.
(b) Some chewing gum.
(c) An ice cream cone.
(d) Blackberry pie.

6. What religion is Julie, Peter's high school girlfriend?
(a) Seventh Day Adventist.
(b) Catholic.
(c) Mormon.
(d) Jewish.

7. What types of books does Peter enjoy reading?
(a) Books about World War I.
(b) Scientific books.
(c) Books about baseball.
(d) Religious books.

8. Where do the Chance boys hide to watch their father's pitching attempts and philosophize together?
(a) The rafters of the shed.
(b) Under the floorboards of the shed.
(c) A secret place in the hedge.
(d) They look out the attic window of their house.

9. What ongoing activity does Irwin begin with Doc Franken while the Chance boys work on landscaping his lot?
(a) An ongoing chess game.
(b) A card game.
(c) A water balloon fight.
(d) A darts tournament.

10. To what church does Laura belong?
(a) Roman Catholic.
(b) Seventh Day Adventist.
(c) Protestant.
(d) Jehovah's Witness.

11. What does Kincaid give his mother in token of his apology in Book Three?
(a) A new apron.
(b) Candy.
(c) Some shoes.
(d) A new dress.

12. Why does drinking terrify Laura?
(a) Her father was a drunk.
(b) All of the bums on the street were drunks.
(c) She is a recovering alcoholic herself.
(d) It is a much preached against sin in her church.

13. What type of employment does Kincaid take on to earn money in Book Three?
(a) Dog walking.
(b) He mows lawns.
(c) A paper route.
(d) Babysitting.

14. What three things do Laura and Hugh fight about in Book One that prompts her to take the twins up to Spokane?
(a) Medical care, religion, and disciplining the boys.
(b) Baseball, television, and money.
(c) Laundry, money, and what color to paint the house.
(d) Money, religion, and beer.

15. Why does Everett play the baseball position he does?
(a) He was assigned the position by the coach.
(b) His dad suggested he learn that position.
(c) He has the build of a catcher.
(d) He dreams of catching his father's pitches.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Hugh, what does it mean when a catcher "frames a pitch"?

2. What pen name does Kincaid use for his poem "Why Apple Pie"?

3. How do the Chance boys know their father's pitching is improving after his surgery?

4. Who invents the game "Famous Scientists"?

5. What position does Hugh think that Everett should play?

(see the answer keys)

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