The Brothers K Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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The Brothers K Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Six, The Blue Box.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What event causes Everett to spiral into depression and misery in Book Five?
(a) Laura tells Everett she has never loved him, and she never will.
(b) Irwin writes that he has lost his belief in God.
(c) Natasha leaves him.
(d) Everett loses his job, house, and his car breaks down.

2. Where do the Chance boys hide to watch their father's pitching attempts and philosophize together?
(a) A secret place in the hedge.
(b) The rafters of the shed.
(c) Under the floorboards of the shed.
(d) They look out the attic window of their house.

3. After whom is Nash, the baby of Irwin and Linda, named?
(a) A famous baseball player.
(b) A character from a novel.
(c) A relative of Linda's.
(d) Irwin's car where he was conceived.

4. What was Hugh's father's profession?
(a) He was a mathematics professor.
(b) He was a professional baseball player.
(c) He was a mechanic.
(d) He was a baseball scout.

5. Where does Hugh go to play ball in Book One?
(a) A park named Battle Ground.
(b) An empty lot across the street.
(c) The backyard.
(d) An undisclosed location.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the "scriptures of baseball"?

2. Which teacher mentors Peter in baseball at the high school?

3. Why is Irwin unable to recognize Hugh the first time he visits?

4. What action does Hugh apologize for profusely at the end of Book One?

5. Why have Irwin and Linda been unable to marry earlier in the novel?

(see the answer key)

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