The Broker Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Broker Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the man involved in the scandal six years previous?

2. What is Rudolph's last name?

3. What color is Rudolph's beard?

4. The money is believed to be part of a plan to purchase which of the following?

5. How long had the shortest presidential term been to date?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the situation with Critz in London? Who approaches Critz with an offer?

2. Explain Backman's opinion of the first day in Bologna. What does he do?

3. How is the Critz situation handled?

4. Why does Backman go shopping? Why does he have to have permission from Luigi?

5. What is Backman's cover story? What is his new identity?

6. Why is the CIA worried that Backman might attempt to contact his family? What precautions are taken in case Backman should try to get in contact with someone?

7. Discuss the meeting between Backman and Rudolph. Why does Backman trust Rudolph?

8. It is never clear to Backman who Luigi is or who he works for in the US. Who does Luigi work for and to whom does he report?

9. At this point in the story what is the general structure of Backman's average day? What things does he do daily?

10. Discuss the meeting between Sandberg and Pratt. Who are Sandberg and Pratt?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss Clayburn's role in the story. Who is Clayburn? Why is he affiliated with the story? Is he still an active part of the Washington scene? How does Backman know Clayburn? Are the men friends, colleagues or something else? Why does Backman want to get in touch with Clayburn? How is Pratt able to find the man? What is Clayburn's response to Pratt's request? Does Clayburn meet with Backman? What is Clayburn's affiliation with the Pentagon? Does Clayburn do as he is asked? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

From the time Backman landed in Italy he seemed to be formulating a plan to get away from Luigi, the military and other agencies. Discuss Backman's plan to go on the run. Is it a smart move to try to get away? What are Backman's obstacles? Can those obstacles be overcome? Backman is not aware of the level of surveillance he is under and would perhaps make another decision if he knew. Examine what Backman did and did not know about the surveillance, Luigi, the other American agencies, and the involvement of the foreign factions, including the Tin Man. If Backman does get away, where will he go? How will he get there? What will he use for money? Who might be willing to help Backman execute the plan? Why?

Essay Topic 3

The government chooses to send Backman to Treviso as part of the deal. Why Treviso? Why Italy? What are Backman's thoughts? What are Backman's preferred locations? What must Backman do to prepare for the trip? Why does Backman have to learn to speak Italian? Wouldn't it be easier to go to an English speaking region or country? Describe in detail Backman's safe houses in Italy and how he is able to adapt to the surroundings. Also discuss Backman's struggles to learn the language and Luigi's efforts to help Backman acclimate to the new environment.

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