The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who initially called Michael with the option to adopt Adam, and was more surprised than Michael that a single man had been approved?
(a) Denis.
(b) Clare.
(c) Janet.
(d) Rita.

2. In Chapters 4 through 6 Michael mentioned that he learned that children diagnosed with FAS had a certain recognizable what?
(a) Appearance.
(b) Speech pattern.
(c) Hand and eye coordination.
(d) Skin tone.

3. In Chapter 2 of "The Broken Cord" Michael described how he took Adam to the hospital in Littleton because of what?
(a) Chills and vomiting.
(b) Seizures.
(c) Trouble breathing.
(d) Not eating.

4. Based on details in Chapter 5 of the book, when Michael questioned the program director about why Adam's application was rejected, the director told Michael that Adam was what?
(a) Learning disabled.
(b) Physically disabled.
(c) Hearing impaired.
(d) Visually impaired.

5. Who traveled with Michael and Adam to the Indian reservation after Michael had experiences discrimination while booking a hotel for him and Adam?
(a) Beatrice.
(b) Jeaneen.
(c) Annie.
(d) Karen.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Michael was contacted about adopting Adam, besides being in poor health and small for his age, Adam was also reported to be what?

2. Later when Adam's dad was killed, how much money did Adam inherit?

3. Once back home from Adam's time in the hospital in Littleton, how much time went by before Michael had to contact the doctor about Adam's health?

4. In the Foreword how long did Louise note that Michael worked on the book "The Broken Cord?"

5. What was Michael given during the naming ceremony?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 6 of "The Broken Cord" what happened with Michael and a girlfriend that drank heavily one night?

2. Why was Adam's application rejected for the program in Norwich, VA?

3. Why did Michael become concerned about Adam's treatment at the Littleton hospital after speaking with Adam's doctor?

4. After Adam's initial health issues, what did Michael note in Chapter 3 of "The Broken Cord" about Adam's recovery over a period of time?

5. How did Adam's presence in Michael's life bring discrimination to Michael's door?

6. What did Adam notice about Adam's functionality in relation to other children with FAS as mentioned in Chapters 4 through 6 of "The Broken Cord?"

7. How old was Michael and where was he living when he decided he wanted to have a child of his own?

8. What advice did a nurse at the hospital in Littleton give when she found out Michael was in the process of adopting Adam?

9. By adopting Adam, what did Michael believe about Adam's quality of life compared to not adopting him, as noted in details provided in Chapter 4 through 6 of the book?

10. What was Louise's position on alcohol rehabilitation programs?

(see the answer keys)

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