The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Michael was contacted about adopting Adam, besides being in poor health and small for his age, Adam was also reported to be what?
(a) Partially blind.
(b) Not potty trained.
(c) Mute.
(d) Partially deaf.

2. How long did the social workers insist Michael wait before taking Adam home and agreeing to adopt Adam?
(a) A few days.
(b) A month.
(c) At least a week.
(d) Three weeks.

3. What did Michael's Indian name mean?
(a) Fly with the Eagle.
(b) Eagle Wing.
(c) Black Bear.
(d) Hawk.

4. In Chapter 6 of "The Broken Cord" who did Michael overhear talking about Adam's birth parents?
(a) Adam.
(b) Nurses.
(c) Social workers.
(d) Doctors.

5. Michael described in Chapter 3 how he called the doctor in Littleton for help when Adam seized while they were snowed in and the doctor told him what?
(a) Bring Adam in as soon as the weather cleared.
(b) Get his fever down.
(c) He didn't have time for the call.
(d) Call the place he had Adam moved to.

6. Why was Michael's return trip from Montreal longer than when he traveled there?
(a) Adam's health.
(b) Bad weather.
(c) Vehcile repairs.
(d) His health.

7. What social worker did Michael mention picked him up from the airport when he waited to be taken to pick up Adam for adoption?
(a) Denis.
(b) Clare.
(c) Rita.
(d) Janet.

8. How old was Adam's birth mother when she died?
(a) 35.
(b) 29.
(c) 33.
(d) 42.

9. As described in Chapter 1, Michael was doing field work in what Indian community in Alaska when he decided he wanted to adopt a child?
(a) Tyonek.
(b) Pierre.
(c) Tanana.
(d) Anchorage.

10. In Chapter 6 when Michael mentioned Adam's birth father, Michael noted that the father was where?
(a) In prison.
(b) In jail.
(c) In rehab.
(d) In the hospital.

11. In Michael's dream before the naming ceremony, up against what did the animals hit?
(a) The hotel door.
(b) His windshield.
(c) The hotel window.
(d) His chest.

12. In what year did Louise and Michael marry?
(a) 1983.
(b) 1979.
(c) 1981.
(d) 1980.

13. After Adam was rejected admittance to a program, what was Adam's test score when Michael, as detailed in Chapter 5, later had him tested by a professional psychologist ?
(a) Borderline.
(b) Profound.
(c) Average.
(d) Mild.

14. Michale noted in Chapters 4 through 6 of "The Broken Cord" that despite advantages, Adam, like others with FAS still could not make change, consider consequences, nor what?
(a) Sing.
(b) Count.
(c) Write.
(d) Read.

15. In Chapter 4 of "The Broken Cord," Michael noted that what woman was an anthropologist?
(a) Karen.
(b) Janet.
(c) Clare.
(d) Beatrice.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Michael interview for a job in Montreal as noted in Chapter 2 of "The Broken Cord?"

2. What did Adam's birth mother die of?

3. According to Chapter 6 details an article indicated that men of what tribe suffered few repercussions for excessive drinking while all the women were ostracized?

4. What was the name of the social worker that contacted Michael that Adam was available for adoption?

5. Where did Michael stay when he waited to hear Adam's condition once Adam was moved from the Littleton hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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