The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope Quiz | One Week Quiz A

William Kamkwamba
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope Quiz | One Week Quiz A

William Kamkwamba
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 6 - Chapters11 and 12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Uncle John's wife's name?
(a) Chiwa.
(b) Enifa.
(c) Abikanile.
(d) Mesi.

2. What was the only meat that William's family had to eat sometimes?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Grasshoppers.
(c) Birds.
(d) Goat.

3. What interest rate were traders and businessmen charging as the famine dragged on?
(a) 200 percent.
(b) 15 percent.
(c) 300 percent.
(d) 25 percent.

4. When would William be able to take his Junior Certificate Exams?
(a) 3 years.
(b) 1 years.
(c) 4 years.
(d) 2 years.

5. What were the fees for secondary school?
(a) 1500 kwacha.
(b) 700 kwacha.
(c) 1200 kwacha.
(d) 900 kwacha.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did President Banda retire?

2. How much did the windmill frame weigh?

3. How many cakes did Agnes make a day to sell?

4. When a terrible disease swept the district, how long would people live if they didn't receive treatment?

5. In the shade of what tree did William put his windmill together?

(see the answer key)

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