The Boy Who Dared Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Campbell Bartoletti
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy Who Dared Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Campbell Bartoletti
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 1942, who are the first agents to interrogate Helmuth?
(a) Schafer and Fischer.
(b) Richter and Maier.
(c) Werner and Mohns.
(d) Wangemann and Mussner.

2. Where does Gerhard go to boot camp in 1941?
(a) Lubeck.
(b) Reibeck-Gesthact.
(c) Bremen.
(d) Wolfsburg.

3. In 1942 when does Helmuth ask Werner Kranz to translate a pamphlet into French?
(a) March.
(b) April.
(c) January.
(d) February.

4. On New Year's Eve 1940, what broadcast is Helmuth briefly able to tune in on a radio?
(a) Belgium.
(b) French.
(c) British.
(d) Swiss.

5. In 1940 when British bombers bomb Hamburg, how many bombs land in a residential neighborhood?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

6. In 1940 when British bombers bomb Hamburg where is most of the damage done?
(a) Factories.
(b) Docks and wharves.
(c) Submarines being built.
(d) U-boat pens and refineries.

7. What has Helmuth learned not to do in the mornings after being interrogated by the Gestapo?
(a) Not drink.
(b) Not eat.
(c) Do calisthenics.
(d) Use the bathroom.

8. In September 1940, what song is Helmuth singing when a group of Hitler Youth come by?
(a) You Are My Sunshine.
(b) Moonlight Serenade.
(c) Over the Rainbow.
(d) Little Brown Jug.

9. What job does Helmuth do for his church in 1940?
(a) Janitor.
(b) Librarian.
(c) Church treasurer.
(d) Church secretary.

10. In 1940 when Gerhard leaves for mandatory Reich Labor Service, where is he stationed?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Warsaw.
(c) Paris.
(d) Munich.

11. In 1940 when Gerhard serves in the Reich Labor Service, what are his duties?
(a) Repair roads.
(b) Bicycle messenger.
(c) Janitorial work.
(d) Completing paperwork.

12. As 1940 ends, where is it rumored that camps are being built to detain Jews?
(a) Poland.
(b) Netherlands.
(c) France.
(d) Germany.

13. In September 1940 when Helmuth sings an American song and Hitler Youth hear him, what is he told could be his punishment?
(a) Expulsion from school.
(b) Civil service.
(c) Weekend detention and maybe a fine.
(d) Jail.

14. In the radio report that Helmuth hears in March 1941, how many tons of merchant vessels were sunk by the Germans from March 16 through the 23?
(a) 289,100.
(b) 198,700.
(c) 432,400.
(d) 367,800.

15. When do the Nazis declare war on Russia?
(a) May 11, 1941.
(b) July 17, 1941.
(c) June 22, 1941.
(d) April 30, 1941.

Short Answer Questions

1. After seeing Karl in the Hall of Mirrors, when does Rudi again see Karl, Rudi, or Duwer again?

2. When Karl listens to the shortwave with Helmuth in 1941, how many Nazis are left behind dead and wounded?

3. What furniture is in the interrogation room where Helmuth is taken at the Gestapo headquarters?

4. In 1940 what river do British bombers follow when they bomb Hamburg?

5. At the end of 1940 how do Helmuth, Rudi, and Brother Worbs spend New Year's Eve?

(see the answer keys)

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