The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Final Test - Medium

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Final Test - Medium

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Leon and his family go after being freed?
(a) Israel.
(b) Krakow.
(c) Iceland.
(d) Greenland.

2. What separated Leon and the other prisoners from the children of the German officers?
(a) A valley with a stream running through it.
(b) Barbed wire.
(c) A field.
(d) Nothing.

3. How many times were the guards instructed by Goeth to whip Leon and the other prisoners who were outside?
(a) 45.
(b) 40.
(c) 25.
(d) 20.

4. Where did Leon earn his bachelor's degree?
(a) American School of Engineering.
(b) Cal State Los Angeles.
(c) Cal State Sacramento.
(d) New York University.

5. For what reason might the guards have shot at Leon in Chapter 6?
(a) He was in an area meant for guards only.
(b) He was out past curfew.
(c) He had disobeyed a direct order from one of them.
(d) He threw a rock at them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Leon want to go to Plaszow in Chapter 6?

2. What act of togetherness did the workers from Schindler's factory perform after being told by a Russian soldier that they were free?

3. How long did Leon stay at the munitions factory in Brunnlitz?

4. What change did Mr. Schindler make to Leon's schedule in Chapter 9?

5. What helped Leon's father regain some of his pride in the United States?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 10, what is an indication that the suffering of the Leyson family was not over?

2. In the epilogue, what are some indications that Leon was motivated and successful?

3. In the epilogue, how might it have helped Leon once he told Lis and others about his experiences?

4. In the epilogue, what are some of the reasons that Leon might not have wanted to talk about his Holocaust experiences in the United States at first?

5. In Chapter 10, how were trees that Leon saw sprouting new leaves on their train ride symbolic?

6. In the epilogue, what is one way that Leon tried to hide his identity and his former life?

7. In Chapter 9, how did Schindler save the women who were to work at his factory when their train was diverted to Auschwitz?

8. In Chapter 8, what brought back some of Moshe's pride?

9. In Chapter 6, how was Leon able to go with the group leaving for Plaszow even though he was told by a guard that he would go later?

10. In Chapter 8, did Leon's father think that Tsalig is still alive? How do you know?

(see the answer keys)

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