The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of the Nazi business owner who hired Leon's father?
(a) Oskar Schindler.
(b) Oskar Schuncke.
(c) George Lansman.
(d) Rudolph Luftig.

2. Where was the Leyson family's new home in the ghetto located?
(a) A building at Lwowska 13.
(b) A building at Lwowska 18.
(c) A building at Lwowska 19.
(d) A building at Lwowska 10.

3. Why was Tsalig deported in Chapter 4?
(a) He did not have a job.
(b) He refused to answer the Nazis' questions.
(c) He did not have a Blauschein.
(d) He did not show up as required.

4. Why did Schindler name his factory "German Enamel Works"?
(a) To make sure it was not confused with another local enamel business.
(b) To appeal to German army contractors.
(c) To carry on a family tradition.
(d) To follow the law about naming a business.

5. Who did Leon make friends with in the ghetto?
(a) The Apperson family.
(b) Yossel and Samuel.
(c) Mr. and Mrs. Murray.
(d) Joseph and Stuart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which word best describes Leon's parents?

2. Where did the Gestapo take Moshe in Chapter 3?

3. Why did the Leysons not have to face deportation?

4. By Chapter 4, what was the goal of the Leysons?

5. Which word best describes Tsalig?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 4, what was the importance of Leon's father's Bescheinigung?

2. Why might Jewish people in Narewka have trusted German soldiers when they entered Poland in 1939?

3. Why might Leon have made negative comments about Miriam to Tsalig in Chapter 5?

4. After reading the prologue, what difficulties do you predict that Leon Leyson, the author and narrator, might face?

5. In Chapter 5, when Leon rode the man's bike after cleaning it, why did he feel so free?

6. In Chapter 2, readers learn that Hershel has changed from being stubborn and difficult to being considerate and responsible. Why might he have changed?

7. Leon consistently proves not to be selfish. How does he demonstrate this in Chapter 2?

8. In Chapter 1, in what ways is it apparent that religion played a central role in Leon Leyson's life?

9. What does it say about Tsalig in Chapter 5 that he refuses to get off the train to deport him because Miriam cannot also go with Schindler?

10. In Chapter 1, like many other Jews in Narewka, how was Leon treated during Holy Week?

(see the answer keys)

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