The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Final Test - Easy

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Final Test - Easy

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom did Leon marry?
(a) Marcy.
(b) Lis.
(c) Debra.
(d) Angela.

2. What was Leon able to contemplate after being freed?
(a) Human motivation.
(b) The environment.
(c) The future.
(d) The past.

3. In the United States, what was the first job that Leon's father took?
(a) Janitor.
(b) Machinist.
(c) Diemaker.
(d) Department store salesperson.

4. What did Samuel and Yossel discover after the roundup in Chapter 6?
(a) Their grandfather was gone.
(b) Their grandmother was gone.
(c) Their father was gone.
(d) Their mother was gone.

5. In which subject did Leon earn a master's degree at Pepperdine University?
(a) Education.
(b) Engineering.
(c) Environmental studies.
(d) English.

6. When did the Nazis liquidate the entire ghetto in Chapter 6?
(a) February 1943.
(b) March 1943.
(c) May 1944.
(d) October 1942.

7. What was Plaszow?
(a) An infirmary.
(b) A large city.
(c) A concentration camp.
(d) A small village.

8. How many meals were Leon and other workers at Emalia given per day?
(a) 0.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 1.

9. Although Oskar Schindler did not allow it to happen, when were the SS ordered to murder all the workers at Schindler's factory?
(a) May 1945.
(b) January 1945.
(c) April 1945.
(d) June 1945.

10. What did Leon do for the U.S. Army during the Korean War?
(a) Supervised workers in a machine shop in Japan.
(b) Worked for a machinist in Alabama.
(c) Spied on the Koreans.
(d) Drove an army tank.

11. Why did Leon not stay with David and Pesza in Czechoslovakia?
(a) Leon had to work in the brush factory.
(b) Chanah said she needed at least one child at home with her.
(c) Leon got mad at both of them and left to go home.
(d) David and Pesza changed their mind and told him to go back home.

12. What was the name of one of Amon Goeth's dogs?
(a) Rilf.
(b) Rich.
(c) Ray.
(d) Ralf.

13. What work-related physical problem did Leon's father develop?
(a) He got sores on his legs.
(b) He developed gout.
(c) He sometimes could not stand.
(d) He sometimes had double-vision.

14. When did Leon and his parents find out they could move to the United States?
(a) February 1949.
(b) June 1949.
(c) March 1949.
(d) May 1949.

15. What work-related physical problem did David develop?
(a) He sometimes could not stand.
(b) He sometimes had double-vision.
(c) He developed gout.
(d) He got sores on his legs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where were Leon and his mother moved to in December 1942?

2. Which aunt of Leon's lived in California?

3. What got Schindler's attention as Leon, David, and Moshe were being sent back to Plaszow?

4. When did Leon begin publicly talking about his Holocaust experiences?

5. Where did Leon and his mother stay in the ghetto to which they were transferred in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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