The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy on the Wooden Box Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Leon Leyson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the Nazis announce what they considered to be their successes?
(a) Through Morse code.
(b) On television.
(c) On big screens with newsreels.
(d) By roving announcers.

2. What significant event happens when Leon was 8?
(a) He was no longer an only child.
(b) He attended school for the first time.
(c) He moved to Krakow.
(d) He moved to Narewka.

3. In December 1939, what did Nazis decree that Jews could no longer do?
(a) Take public transportation.
(b) Sit on park benches.
(c) Attend school.
(d) Own businesses.

4. When were Leon and his family forcibly moved into the ghetto?
(a) August 1940.
(b) May 1941.
(c) March 1941.
(d) December 1939.

5. Why did Leon's mother's siblings move to the United States?
(a) To escape religious persecution.
(b) To escape violence within their family.
(c) To seek careers in the entertainment industry.
(d) To return to their family's cultural roots.

6. Why did Moshe move to Krakow?
(a) To find a new job.
(b) To escape persecution.
(c) To provide for his family.
(d) To leave his wife.

7. What is foreshadowed by the Yiddish song "Oyfn Pripetchik" (called "On the Hearth" in English)?
(a) The family's religious rituals.
(b) The upcoming Thanksgiving season.
(c) The war lasting from 1914-1918.
(d) The forthcoming mistreatment of Jews.

8. According to the prologue, how did Oskar Schindler convince the Nazis to give permission for Leon and other Jewish people to work in his factories?
(a) He claimed they were essential to the war effort.
(b) He said that the workers would help to rebuild Germany's economy.
(c) He claimed that they might possibly be spies working for the enemy.
(d) He explained that they could help him build more factories.

9. In the prologue, why is Leon Leyson, the author and narrator, nervous?
(a) He is concerned about his economic situation.
(b) He is worried about World War II beginning.
(c) He is scared about mistakes he has made in the past.
(d) He is afraid that Oskar Schindler will not remember him.

10. What was the name of the Nazi business owner who hired Leon's father?
(a) Oskar Schuncke.
(b) Rudolph Luftig.
(c) George Lansman.
(d) Oskar Schindler.

11. In which of the following fun childhood activities did Leon participate in Chapter 1?
(a) Jumping in the river.
(b) Playing basketball.
(c) Riding a bicycle.
(d) Playing baseball.

12. Why did the Nazi soldiers break into the Leyson family's apartment and slap Leon?
(a) They found out he was Jewish.
(b) He had disobeyed an order from one of them.
(c) They noticed that he was not wearing his required armband.
(d) He had refused to speak to one of them.

13. Why did Leon's father and Hershel head back to Narewka?
(a) They went to try to avoid being conscripted into the war.
(b) They went because they were required to do so.
(c) They went to earn more money for the family.
(d) They went to retrieve items the family had left there.

14. Who were the Gestapo?
(a) Local Polish politicians.
(b) Polish security guards.
(c) The German secret police.
(d) Regional Nazi administrators.

15. Which child did Leon think was his father's favorite?
(a) David.
(b) Hershel.
(c) Tsalig.
(d) Pesza.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Tsalig learn about electricity and its installation?

2. How many Jews from Krakow were to be moved to the ghetto in Chapter 4?

3. Which aspect of the Sabbath did Leon particularly enjoy?

4. How many synagogues were located in Krakow when Leon moved there?

5. In Chapter 1, which of the following had the most influence in Leon's daily life?

(see the answer keys)

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