The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Test | Final Test - Medium

John Boyne
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Test | Final Test - Medium

John Boyne
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the real name of the camp that Bruno calls Out-With in the novel?
(a) Auschwitz.
(b) Banjica.
(c) Dachau.
(d) Krakow.

2. By what name does the Fury call the woman who accompanies him to dinner at Bruno’s house in Chapter Eleven: "The Fury"?
(a) Sara.
(b) Eva.
(c) Olga.
(d) Dora.

3. What symbol does Bruno describe on his father’s armband in Chapter Twelve: "Shmuel Thinks of an Answer to Bruno's Question"?
(a) A star.
(b) A swastika.
(c) A diamond.
(d) A heart.

4. On what day does Bruno tell Shmuel he is returning to Berlin in Chapter Eighteen: "Thinking Up the Final Adventure"?
(a) On Saturday.
(b) On Friday.
(c) On Thursday.
(d) On Sunday.

5. What does Gretel do every day once she and her mother return to Berlin in Chapter Twenty: "The Last Chapter"?
(a) Looks at her maps.
(b) Plays with her dolls.
(c) Writes letters to Lieutenant Kotler.
(d) Cries in her room.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what evening does Bruno’s father say the Fury is coming to dinner in the flashback in Chapter Eleven: "The Fury"?

2. How far in the future does Bruno’s father say that Bruno, Gretel and their mother will return to Berlin in Chapter Seventeen: "Mother Gets Her Own Way"?

3. When Bruno’s head has been shaved in Chapter Sixteen: "The Haircut,” his father tells him the hair will grow back in how much time?

4. How many glasses are in Bruno’s mother’s fancy set that are being cleaned for the party in Chapter Fifteen: "Something He Shouldn't Have Done"?

5. What food has Bruno brought to Shmuel when they meet by the fence in the opening of Chapter Eighteen: "Thinking Up the Final Adventure"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does your opinion of Bruno’s father and his role at the camp change throughout the narrative? What is Bruno’s father’s objective?

2. How does Bruno recall the evening that the Fury came to dinner in Chapter Eleven: "The Fury"?

3. What are Bruno’s impressions when his family returns to Berlin briefly in Chapter Sixteen: "The Haircut"? How has the camp changed when they return?

4. How is the weather described when Bruno goes to meet Shmuel in Chapter Nineteen: "What Happened the Next Day"?

5. How does Bruno’s father respond to the suggestion from his wife that she and the children leave Out-With in Chapter Seventeen: "Mother Gets Her Own Way"?

6. How does the friendship between Shmuel and Bruno develop in Chapter Thirteen: "The Bottle of Wine"?

7. What lead to Bruno’s “haircut” in Chapter Sixteen: "The Haircut"?

8. What leads to Lieutenant Kotler’s berating of Shmuel in Chapter Fifteen: "Something He Shouldn't Have Done"?

9. How would you characterize the denouement of the novel in Chapter Twenty: "The Last Chapter"?

10. What leads Bruno’s mother to demand leaving Out-With in Chapter Seventeen: "Mother Gets Her Own Way"?

(see the answer keys)

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