The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the Macau conduit, known as Wong during the mission to meet Sheng, tell Webb is following them?
(a) Soo Jiang.
(b) The Dog.
(c) Sheng.
(d) Yao Ming.

2. Why does Marie insist that her husband walk freely over to her right before the couple reunites?
(a) If he walks to her, he will be free.
(b) If he walks to her, she knows he loves her.
(c) If he walks to her, she will believe it is him.
(d) If he walks to her, he may forget what has happened.

3. As the first prisoner is being tortured and executed at the Jing Shan Sanctuary, what signal does d'Anjou attempt to send Webb?
(a) d'Anjou cowers to the ground.
(b) d'Anjou speaks in code.
(c) d'Anjou signals not to harm Sheng.
(d) d'Anjou fails to grovel.

4. As he knows Webb is approaching, why is Conklin fearful after he puts Marie and Panov into a taxi?
(a) He knows Webb will kill him.
(b) He knows he can no longer predict Webb's actions.
(c) He knows exactly who Webb wants to kill.
(d) He knows Webb will never reconnect with Marie.

5. What does Sheng lecture to McAllister as the men talk in the clearing in the helicopter spotlight?
(a) How his empire should not be ruled by egalitarians and liars.
(b) How he regrets his actions and killings, and wishes to flee Asia.
(c) How he plans to capture and kill both Webbs.
(d) How badly designed a plan McAllister had.

6. At the meeting in Victoria Peak, what is determined as the first step in the plan to confront Sheng?
(a) Send a man claiming to be an ally concerned about leaks and traitors.
(b) Send a man to threaten Sheng in front of his supporters.
(c) Send Marie with Webb to try to bribe Sheng.
(d) Send U.S. forces to overcome Sheng's forces to run him out of Asia.

7. What does the impostor Bourne spout to Webb after the men enter their hotel room in Kowloon?
(a) He will find and kill Marie and Webb one day.
(b) He intends to survive and will continue to spread evil.
(c) He is reformed and wants to help Webb.
(d) He is sad that the Frenchman has been killed.

8. After Havilland explains to Webb why he had to trick him, how does Webb feel toward him?
(a) Webb trusts Havilland.
(b) Webb forgives Havilland.
(c) Webb fears Havilland.
(d) Webb does not trust Havilland.

9. How did Sheng obtain the file McAllister says will ensure his safety at the meeting in the clearing?
(a) None of the above.
(b) Sheng's men created a fake file to present as the real one.
(c) One of his men stole it from the Victoria Peak mansion.
(d) Havilland is a double agent and turned it over.

10. When Webb grabs McAllister by the arm demanding to know the whole story, about what does McAllister warn Webb?
(a) Sheng will link this to Marie and kill her.
(b) MI6 is not really after Sheng.
(c) Havilland is a dangerous adversary.
(d) Sheng will certainly find Webb.

11. After driving out of the bird sanctuary with the impostor at the wheel, why does Webb decide to head to a local airport?
(a) They will waste too much time driving to Shanghai.
(b) They do not have money for gas.
(c) He does not want to sit in the car with the impostor for many hours.
(d) There are no dangers along the road to Shanghai.

12. How do Havilland and McAllister react upon hearing Conklin's news that Catherine Staples was gruesomely murdered outside of her home?
(a) Upset it was not Marie.
(b) Relieved it was not Bourne.
(c) Upset it was not Sheng.
(d) Relieved it was not Marie.

13. What does Havilland hope will be the outcome of Webb's plan to confront Sheng?
(a) Webb will capture Sheng.
(b) Sheng will kill Webb.
(c) Webb will kill Sheng.
(d) Webb will torture Sheng.

14. After being brought to the Victoria Peak mansion, what does Staples claim to Havilland she will do with Marie?
(a) Giver her full American protection.
(b) None of the above.
(c) Give her full Canadian protection.
(d) Divulge her location.

15. Who kills the impostor Bourne in the climactic scene at the mansion?
(a) Marie.
(b) McAllister.
(c) Webb.
(d) Conklin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following statements best describes Sheng on the night of the great blade?

2. What is Havilland surprised to learn when Webb tells him about the trap set for him in Beijing?

3. While they are wasting time at a restaurant between phone calls, what does Webb strictly warn McAllister against saying?

4. With whom does Staples hope to deal at the hotel when she arrives after rescuing Marie from Lin in the parking garage?

5. Which two characters work on editing the dead assassin's profile as Webb prepares to leave for Macau?

(see the answer keys)

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