The Bourne Supremacy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Supremacy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do McAllister and the doctor plan to locate Marie after she escapes from the hospital?
(a) They plan to look for her themselves.
(b) They issue a medical alert.
(c) They send the impostor Bourne to find her.
(d) They issue a police bulletin.

2. To what does the term Zhongguo ren refer?
(a) A citizen.
(b) A priest.
(c) A prime minister.
(d) A bodyguard.

3. For what is "Delta" is a codename?
(a) The PRC.
(b) Medusa.
(c) Cain.
(d) Treadstone-71.

4. How are McAllister and Webb alike?
(a) They both served in Cambodia.
(b) They both specialize in Orient studies.
(c) They both live in Maine.
(d) They both have lost a wife.

5. How does Marie entice the hospital guard to create conflict?
(a) Marie calls in a hospital adminstrator.
(b) Marie shouts that the guard attacked her.
(c) Marie situates herself in a compromising position.
(d) Marie calls him into the bathroom.

6. What does McAllister learn from Lin about Marie's physical status?
(a) Marie is in a coma.
(b) Marie is being aggressive toward her captors.
(c) Marie is having panic attacks.
(d) Marie is suffering from seizures and memory lapses.

7. After Marie escapes from the hospital, what mistake does McAllister make that he tells the doctor and Lin to immediately forget?
(a) McAllister mentions the impostor Bourne's location.
(b) McAllister mentions Webb's position.
(c) McAllister mentions Havilland's name.
(d) McAllister mentions Marie's illness.

8. While making calls to gather information about Marie's and McAllister's "disappearances," what does the final person with whom Webb speaks state?
(a) He believes Webb's wife has been kidnapped.
(b) Medusa is a figment of his mind.
(c) There is a man in Washington he needs to find.
(d) Webb is being targeted for murder.

9. As Marie realizes the government is behind Webb's recruitment, how does she feel?
(a) Marie begins to panic more.
(b) Marie realizes the situation is growing more dangerous.
(c) Marie feels she is in no immediate danger.
(d) Marie realizes the situation is a misunderstanding.

10. While still under cover of the woods, where does the third contact tell Webb the impostor Bourne is?
(a) In Macau.
(b) In Shenzen.
(c) In Russia.
(d) In Victoria Peak.

11. In which hotel does Webb reserve a second room?
(a) Pennsylvania .
(b) Colonial.
(c) Regent.
(d) Peninsula.

12. What is Webb's cover for traveling to Kowloon?
(a) His brother's death in Kowloon.
(b) A work-related seminar.
(c) His brother was injured in Paris.
(d) His mother's death in Rome.

13. In addition to serving as a "watchdog" for the meeting between McAllister and Havilland in Chapter 2, who is John Reilly?
(a) A State Department colleague.
(b) A U.S. ambassador.
(c) A member of the PRC.
(d) A member of the NSC.

14. Which statement best describes Webb's limo driver?
(a) Solemn and somewhat belligerent.
(b) Energetic and elderly.
(c) Young and talkative.
(d) Tired and middle-aged.

15. Who is Raymond Havilland?
(a) A U.S. ambassador.
(b) A member of the NSC.
(c) A member of the PRC.
(d) A State Department colleague.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters is an Orient Specialist working for the U.S. State Department?

2. Who does the assassin responsible for the deaths in the cabaret turn out to be?

3. In Chapter 4, how does Webb feel when he discovers that his six protection guards are leaving?

4. What name does Webb use to get buzzed into Conklin's apartment?

5. After being dragged into the woods, how does the third contact feel about his fate with Webb?

(see the answer keys)

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