The Bourne Identity Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Identity Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what name does the desk clerk know Jean-Pierre?
(a) David Webb.
(b) J. Bourne.
(c) Cain.
(d) Everett Stevens.

2. What message does Bourne give the clerk at the hotel?
(a) Bourne instructs him to keep his room open.
(b) Bourne instructs him to call the police.
(c) Bourne instructs him to call Treadstone Seventy-One.
(d) Bourne instructs him to keep all messages for him.

3. What does the gold-rimmed man say he is supposed to do with Bourne?
(a) Take him back to America to face trial.
(b) Use his fingerprints to learn his real identity.
(c) Take pictures before and after he kills him.
(d) Take him to his boss.

4. What causes the fight that leads to Jean-Pierre leaving the island?
(a) Jean-Pierre's unpleasant attitude.
(b) Jean-Pierre's ruggedly handsome goodlooks.
(c) Jean-Pierre's inability to fish well.
(d) Jealousy of Jean-Pierre for his charm with women.

5. What is Marie worried about as Chapter 18 begins?
(a) The funeral for her friend, Peter.
(b) Her boss' demands that she return to Canada.
(c) Her own safety.
(d) Bourne's safety.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bourne tell Lavier over lunch that frightens her?

2. How many men attack Bourne as he steps onto the elevator at the bank?

3. What does a photographer give Bourne after taking his photograph?

4. Why does Bourne force Marie St. Jacques to leave the hotel with him?

5. How does Bourne escape?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is unusual about Jean-Pierre's fighting abilities?

2. What is the significance of Cain's name in association with Carlos' name?

3. How was Marie's friend, Peter, killed?

4. What crimes is Marie accused of committing?

5. Why does Bourne call the Vice President of the bank before withdrawing his money?

6. What do the magazine articles Bourne and Marie read about Carlos say about Carlos' signature shot through the throat?

7. Why does Marie help Bourne after he kidnapped her?

8. What is important about the newspaper articles in the prologue of this novel?

9. Why does Bourne attempt to leave Marie?

10. To where does Marie trace the phone number attached to the une fiche on Bourne's account?

(see the answer keys)

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